Love my flist once more! <3

Apr 21, 2010 18:22

Thank you for listening to my whining and wallowing in self-pity yesterday. I truly love you! ♥

This morning, I didn't feel much better at first. Sat like a mope on the couch, in the mood for nothing. Then I had to help my father again in the office a bit and I thought, I had to get out of there or I might start to cry again (and I never cry in front of others!) and then I went upstairs to my room. I wanted to write first (hello? Deadline!) but then it was late and I also wasn't in the mood for that. Oh my... *sighs*

I turned on the computer and some music and when I checked Twitter and saw that Eric Balfour answered me - again - my day brightened. *g* raynedanser, you could've told me that he is so chatty. *g* I like!

So yeah, I'm feeling much better now. It's a weird feeling to feel so good again, all of a sudden. LOL I don't know. I guess, I just have some dark days every now and then. Well, who hasn't, hm?

I'm looking forward to my tv evening later, and there's also a movie on that I haven't seen before, "Mysterious Skin". But I think geckoholic mentioned it before and said it's good, so I'll watch it.

Btw, tv talk... No new The Pacific on this week? :( I thought it's on Sundays but there's no dl so far.

tv: the pacific, the world outside, flist, movies

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