One flew into the cuckoo's nest

Apr 06, 2010 22:03

Just ordered Jim Beaver's book, which I want to have signed at Asylum Europe. *g* And I pre-ordered the Supernatural companions season 4 and 5. I'm trying hard not to order anything more. It's so tempting. :P Oh, but I already pre-ordered "Dead and Gone", the 9th Sookie Stackhouse novel, and I got an email today that it'll arrive tomorrow!! Yay!

Tomorrow, I have to go to the birthday of K's niece. She turns 1. I don't want to. :-\ I'm so not in the mood. But they're the kind of people who get cranky real easily when things don't go their way. And I am the kind of person who tries to avoid anger in any way. So, I'll just go and hope that I'll be home for Grey's Anatomy starts. Then, I'll get real cranky if I miss this!

Plus, season 3 of Private Practice starts, too, tomorrow. \o/

Hm... with the thought of tomorrow, I kinda feel mopey right now. House season 6 just started, but even that can't really hold my attention completely. And btw, what is Franka Potente doing there? Wasn't it enough that she kissed Matt Damon in the Bourne movies? Now she invades my tv shows?

Tried to write an application today, but didn't finish, yet. Didn't really know how to start it. :-\ Maybe I'll just read a bit later and try to get some sleep. And that's it with my Tuesday.

shopping, tv: private practice, tv talk, the world outside, tv: true blood, books

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