My flash forward

Mar 01, 2010 21:44

So, Flash Forward starts tonight on German tv and I'm watching it right now. During a commercial, they showed a site where you can create your own flash forward. Mine was kinda disturbing! o.O First, I was a prostitute and I fell in love with a "client" I guess, and was happy. Then I won the lottery and the next scene showed me in a pool with champagne. But then I met with a dubious guy and we exchanged cases. He took mine and I his and in it was money. But then I started to drink, lost my home and ended up in the streets. Uhm... O_O

If you want to try it? Click on the link on the left, "Jetzt deine Zukunft generieren" (generate your future now). They also ask the questions in English. Your Flash Forward

... Aw, just got a comment from someone who made a Kings picspam where I commented on. And I also said that I've been on her journal before, but didn't mention for what, but she remembered exactly. It's nice to be remembered. :)

The Mentalist 2.01 - Redemption - Oh, Patrick, how i've missed you! And new opening credits! I like!

He was cursed and now he can't kill anymore!

When this woman talked to Dexter in Spanish - I understood! Maybe not every word but enough to know what she wanted, aha! Seems my Spanish isn't as buried as I thought!

Huh... Mark Pellegrino! Never noticed before! o.O

Holy shit! So many bags in that opening in the sea! O_O

I love that tight shirt he wears for the killings... :P

But later, he overcomes that "curse" and even finds a new disposal area - "The Atlantic ocean is quite big".

livejournal, tv: flash forward, tv: dexter, tv: the mentalist, wall of weird

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