God was in a good mood when he created Taylor Kitsch

Dec 03, 2009 11:30

I just read that somewhere and it made me giggle. *g*

Watched four more episodes last night. And I think I'm on my best way to buying the dvds. *ohsigh* I guess, I either fall for a show fast and then I know I have to have the dvds, or it takes some time and then I like it or not. But mostly, it's the former. :-P

1.05 - Git 'Er Done

Kind of nice to see Riggins smile for once. Though, I don't know what to think of Lyla, yet...

Aww, Riggins almost cried when he - finally - visited Jason in the hospital! ♥

I knew the new kid was trouble.

1.06 - El Accidente

Jason calling Riggins "Timmy" ♥ ♥ ♥

Nice to see Jason happy again. :-)

I didn't like Voodoo from the beginning. Glad he's gone. Trouble as I said.

Ooh, Jason watches Riggins and Lyla hug!

1.07 - Homecoming

Jason suspects Lyla sleeping with Riggins.

Yeah, give the ball to Riggins! Perfect song playing - Hair of the dog ["Now you're messing with a son of a bitch"] hehe Love it!

So cute when Matt's always stuttering when talking to Julie.

Oh hell, Smash, what are you doing??

1.08 - Crossing The Line

Ah, Timmy, now Tyra again, oh no!

Oh, Jason asks Lyla if there's something between her and Riggins. Of course, she lies...

"PHIIIILL!!!" LOL That was great!

haha Julie's parents freak out because she might date Matt.

Tim's brother - real nice! :-\ But aw, I loved the end with the two of them sharing a sandwich and beer.

Omg, Jason hits Tim because he knows!!

So, it's like 10:30 a.m. and you see that I'm home. Will call the doctor later, he's only in in the afternoon today. I think I'll be good over the weekend. Will be nice. And I'll finally find some time to think about which cookies to bake for Christmas. Would be about time, right? :-P

And because I haven't written about this yet, though I made notes every week when it was on...

08:00 - 10:00 am

+ TONY!!! So good to have him back!
+ "Extreme interrogational torture"... yeah, you could call it that. ;-) That's Jack.
+ There's ALWAYS a mole, isn't there?

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

+ Warren Kole! Of course! I knew why I thought this security guy was cute. It's the hottie from Into The West!
+ Janice to Tony: "I have to lift up your shirt a bit." - Goodness! A job for me!
+ I think maybe Janice is the mole?
+ Jack going rough at Tony - I ♥ it!
+ Ha! It's Bill and Chloe! And they're working with Tony, so he's not really the bad guy!?!
+ Tony never looked HOTTER!!!
+ Please. How cool was it when Tony jumped from the roof of the parking lot, onto a car and the windows burst?!!! F* cool!!
+ Ooh, wow, both are working undercover for the bad guy

12:00 - 02:00 pm

+ Ha! My hottie Warren Kole, Brian from the Secret Service, is a bad guy! he killed the President's son! Wow!
+ Woah, Jack didn't kill Agent Walker but now he has to bury her alive!! O.o
+ Chloe and Bill to the rescue

02:00 - 04:00 pm

+ Jack, Tony and Rene on their way to rescue the prime minister
+ Tony finds the control module - it's damaged
+ Oh... but the bad guys got the President's husband now!
+ Yes, trust Jack! He'll get your husband back! ;-)
+ *gasp* They find him but he gets shot!

04:00 - 06:00 pm

+ Dubaku wants to run and leave. Already? Not even half the season's over... :-P
+ Chloe's husband!
+ And another well-known character - Arthur Pierce!
+ Nice-looking guy, Shawn, is the mole!!?? And Erica
+ Nooo, they tell Dubaku that Marika's working with the FBI!
+ She goes with him!
+ *gasp* Car accident! - Marika dies
+ They got Dubaku!
+ He has a chip implanted under his skin! Of course Jack cuts him open...
+ ...oh, and Shawn's and Erica's names are on that thing!
+ They want to delete EVERYTHING! It's about national security and they're just trying to save their asses!
+ SOB Shawn, ha!
+ Somehow, Jack always says mid-season that "it's over" but it's just the beginning... ;-) ... See? A new threat! ;-)

06:00 - 08:00 pm

+ Oh Juma had Dubaku killed
+ Jack's attacking Bill - wtf?... Oh, he wants to keep him out of the following
+ Oh wow, the target is the White House!
+ Rory Cochrane!!! Yaaaaaay!!! :-)
+ No! They are after the President!
+ Sure, they always arrest Jack first because they don't believe him but then "Jack, I need your help"
+ Oh no, they got Bill!
+ It's all about torture this season hm?
+ Baby! [Rory] *g*
+ Jon Voigt's character works with the bad guys!
+ The President gives up after they got her daughter

08:00 - 10:00 pm

+ Releasing a hostage... the Juma-way!
+ *gasp* Bill dies for the others!
+ Jack kills Juma!!
+ Omg, why didn't he kill Jack!... ok even worse maybe - now they think he killed Burnett!!
+ Uuh, I ♥ my Rory all bad! *g* But oh, he has doubts?
+ Weapons? This is what this is all about?
+ President's daughter, Olivia, playing games, huh?!
+ Ooh... bio weapons! Ok, that's bad!
+ Quinn's good, Jack's better
+ *rolleyes* Now they think Jack killed the Senator!
+ Oh no! "Shoot without warning!"

10:00 pm - 12:00 am

+ Paul Francis - wasn't he a hottie on CSI? :-)
+ Oh, no, the bad guys have Tony!
+ Oh great, the bio weapon is damaged...
+ *gasp* Jack got in contact!!!
+ Yeees, Mr Bauer, please get undressed *g*
+ Uuh, how Tony looked at my baby [aka Rory ♥]
+ Wohoo! *claps hands* Greg to the rescue [Tony]!! :-)
+ Oh no, Jack's infected! :-(
+ Greg's helping them, yay!... Oh please, pleeeease don't let him be killed...
+ Huh... he was just playing them! But uh, HOT when Tony attacked him

12:00 - 02:00 am

+ It's a trap, they have been set up!
+ Oh, he hit my Greg Seaton!
+ Oh no, Jack's hands are shaking!... And he breaks down!!
+ Jack's daughter could maybe help him!
+ Jonas Hodges - stone cold killer
+ War against his own country - wtf?!
+ Oh, what a... Jonas Hodges is threatening the President!
+ God, Tony! That was really in the last sec!!!
+ Aaand my boy Greg gets arrested! :-(
+ Tony saves the day... [well, that part of the day]
+ Kim's there! - Maybe even to help Jack! :-)
+ Aw, Jack doesn't want Kim to help him! Wtf, Jack? :-(
+ Never turn your back on the bad guys
+ Of course it's a possible attack - the day's not over yet. ;-)
+ NO FUCKING WAY!!! Tony IS the bad guy!!! WTF!? He kills Agent Moss!!

02:00 - 04:00 am

+ No Rory yet, but uh, Paul Wesley and Diego Klattenhoff!! :-) Me likes!
+ Tony shoots himself! Wtf?
+ Omg, Paul's wearing a ring - omg he plays Kim's husband and they have a baby!!
+ Oh my... Diego in military uniform [I have a weakness for men in uniform]
+ *gasp* Jack finds out about Tony!!
+ Badass-woman and Tony/Tony and badass-woman??!!
+ Tony in the shower! Tony in the shower! Tony kissing her!! Tony kissing her!!
+ Jack starts to lose control!

04:00 - 06:00 am

+ Jack has only 1-2 days left to live?! What?! :-(
+ So, now Tony's doing a good(?) thing. I'm confused. Good/bad - I don't know anymore... o.O
+ Weird guy follows Kim at the airport...??
+ They got Tony again!
+ Oh my... Jack hits Tony like crazy!
+ Oh wow, THAT was close!
+ Oh, it's a guy Jack sent to watch over Kim
+ Oooh, never trust nice people! o.O Should've seen it coming as it was the guy who played a demon on Supernatural once. LOL - I guess THEY are after Kim. But why?
+ Pierce suspects Olivia to be involved in something. Finally!
+ Oh! They're working for Tony's people!!!

06:00 - 08:00 am

+ Oh Tony... again, what are you? Good or bad? Using Jack to make more of the weapon, tss... :-\
+ Olivia's such a bitch!
+ Kim all tough, going after the bad guy - without a weapon!
+ There's a boss over Tony and the others - maybe a new storyline for season 8?
+ *gasp* They want Jack's organs! o.O
+ Yay, Jack can escape!
+ Omg! Tony did it all for revenge!! So, I guess he's kind of 50/50 good/bad
+ O...M...G... O_O Maybe 80/20 bad/good - Giving Jack a bomb belt!
+ Uuh, Tony's ice-cold look when he faced the boss - LOVE it!
+ Aaand again, they arrest Tony!
+ What? They can't mean that! Hiding the truth about Olivia!? No way!... ha! The President makes a decision... Olivia gets arrested, but the President loses her family...
+ hehe Buckle up for tough Rene ;-)
+ NO WAY!! It ends with Kim at the hospital, wanting to save Jack!!!

What a season, my goodness! Loved it!! And omg, great guest actors!! Can't wait for next season. *g*

tv: friday night lights, taylor kitsch, tv: 24, rory cochrane

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