Watched some movies today. "Something New", with Simon Baker, which was really lovely. And then "The other side of heaven" with Christopher Gorham, which I liked, too.
So, what's new? Still fighting my cold. Feel a bit better today, but it's still not a 100%. The coughing started which is the worst part, if you ask me.
Went to see New Moon yesterday anyway. First I wasn't really up for it, but I forced myself to get dressed and went to the cinema. And oh boy, I so wasn't disappointed! *g* I think I developed a fever in between, but this could also have been because of the many hot and shirtless boys.
And you know what I love about cinema, almost more than the actual movie? The trailers in the beginning. They showed "Avatar", of which I'm still not sure if I like it or not. My friends want to see it though. And then also "Dorian Gray" with hottie Ben Barnes. And this looked really good. But now...
(ok grrrr... LJ is giving me a hard time again, making cuts. Wth?) So, possible SPOILERS FOR NEW MOON!! If you haven't seen the movie yet, skip the rest of the entry...
Omg! Yay! I finally managed to write the code for the cut the right way. Go me!
Again, if you know the book, I thought everything seemed too fast in the movie. Already felt like this with Twilight. But still, I LOVED it!!! I mean, come on - shirtless Taylor! Shirtless Taylor in the rain with the oh so hot short hair! The pack, shirtless! Shirtless Rob! Shirtless Rob in the cool red Volturi cape! Shirtless Rob in the cool red Volturi cape fighting omg Felix! *g*
It was a drool fest!
Then, Rob quoting Shakespeare...!? Be still my heart! ♥
The werewolves were awesome! The whole animation, great!
And oh, how I squeed at the Bella/Jacob almost kiss!!! I thought that was hot, and if I'd been Bella, I'd have so grabbed him right there! Yes, that's right! *g*
On the minus side I thought there was too little of Daniel Cudmore (Felix) and Alex Meraz (Paul), but well, I can always hope for the next movies, right? *g*
All in all, I really loved it!!!