Walk like an Egyptian

Aug 27, 2009 17:15

Today, I had to go to the job center again, to apply for unemployment pay. Already called before, because I didn't know who was responsible for it and they said that I should meet again with the woman I went to last week. So, that's what I said this morning at the reception - and the woman there didn't really get what I wanted. In the end, I ended up with another guy (4 appointments, 4 different people!), but he finally figured what I wanted and helped me. Well, and now I have another appointment next Tuesday. But then it should be all cleared.

May I just say YAY!!! Only two more weeks and then it's Supernatural Thursday again!!!!!! *happy dance*

Now to the much awwwwed over episode of Grey's Anatomy!!


100th ep.!!! Aw!

DENNY!!!!!!! Aww!!! *g* And aw, because Izzy sees him again, she knows there's another tumor... :(

I really like how Alex changed. Compaired to seasons 1+2... And I never thought that he and Izzy would ever get married!!! I like that soooo much!!! There are not enough awwwws!!!

Not 15 minutes into the episode and there's already one dead guy!

Cool start for the new show. I think I like it already. Will definitely watch all of it! Even if it's just for Chris Gorham, who's just adorable!

Unbelievable that Trish's father is trying to sabotage the wedding! I mean... how can you not want Chris Gorham as your son in law? :P

That little girl, Madison... creepy!! o.O

... And Marty's next. Somehow I knew that he'd be one of the first.

Two episodes, four dead - not bad! ;-)

Also, got a letter today which said "To Mr..." and my name! o.O LMAO

tv: harper's island, tv: supernatural, wtf, tv: grey's anatomy, the world outside, wall of weird

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