The Updates!!!

Feb 28, 2007 00:01

Sorry for the lack of posting.
Many things coming up
many things past.
Gack! and I want to talk about them all?!!!

One cool thing coming up soon is the release of my friend's
_bp_rose new book!!!!
Its called Beautiful Sun. Its a christian young adult storie. And its cool cool cool.
I guess you can say I'm the illustrater? Yes there are pictures! for added coolness. XD
I know I'm being pretty vague but ... I guess I can say more about it later.
For more info feel free to message me or Rose.
There is even an emailed newsletter thing you can get. ^__^
All you AnimeAngels people, and CAA people, and other christian anime fans
this is something that might definetly interest you. Feel free to show your support!

News on my health.
One glitch found and in the process of repairs. XD
In summary, once again I went to the school clinic today and this time I got a better doctor.
Turns out I have a stomach ulcer. O_o! (detailed story in another post)
welp, that explains why eating felt like slow death. XD
Bad but not serious like I thought. -_- *sigh* praise the Lord!

What Lent?!!! Oh yeah!!
I'm so out of touch with time and special events and stuff sometimes.
I'm not catholic or anything, but I did grow up in a traditional old church.
So somethings I still like to keep with me.
I was reminded about it when a friend posted stuff he was planning on
give up for this time. (which by the way had me laughing a lot. You know who u r ^_~)

Its funny because the night before/ insanely early morning hours of the 1st day of Lent.
I couldn't sleep because of my stomach pains. XD
So I ended up awake and making a list of things I wanted to do, things I'd give up for a while,
and then I made schedules to manage my time more wisely. And said I was starting it right away.
Later that day I find out its the start of Lent and I was like omg! Coincidence!!!!
or was it? dum dum dum.

other things I plan to rant about later.
-MEGACON!!!! omg! it was awesome! AND I cosplayed Yoruichi! from Bleach (pics coming)
and I meet awesome peoples. Will remember this forever!

-I love my sis. I dunno if its some sort of mood sings or something,
But I can't stand how she is becoming more and more a ... "female dog" towards me.
Writing about this is gonna make me cry. so ... (yes, its gonna be a friends only post.)

-Trouble back home. I wish I was not so far away. This is part of the reason I didn't want to go
out of town for school. I miss my little bro, and mom needs the extra help. -_-
much prayer is needed. (another friend only post.)

-late Valentines Day post  =P

okay, I cant remember anything else.
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