I troll around the net a lot to see what's going on with the rest of the world in music. There's plenty of awesome music that never gets back to us here in the good ole USA because we're so wrapped up in our own music. Its a shame too, cause there's awesome stuff out there if you can keep an open mind. I suppose you have to get over the whole language barrier issue too. Never bothered me.
So anyways, here's a couple I found that I think are worth checking out. I guess the rest of the world is going crazy over those cute young androgynous and oh-so-fashionable guys.
The first one is a group called Acid Black Cherry, including a popular artist Yasu. The Japanese are always so complicated. From what I understand Yasu was a part of a rock group Janne Da Arc prior to Acid Black Cherry. But WHATEVER, this is one of the hottest songs in Japan right now, with a really bizzarre yet catchy video. Go on, go watch and be entertained (or weirded out):
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x315x6_acid-black-cherry-black-cherry_music The second video I dug up for ya is Germany's answer to boy bands. Oh yes I said it, a boy band. All I have to say is- wow. I like their boy-bands SO much more than ours! First, you can buy their english album at Hot Topic. How's that for cool? You can't exactly march into Hot Topic and look for Backstreet Boys or Nsync can ya? Nope. Much cooler. And two, they're totally goth and j-rock/visual kei all in one. The rest world is ahead of us folks. While we're all busy scratching our heads wondering "what the hell is j-rock?", these kids are making some pretty decent music. I just have a question... Bill Kaulitz, what is your secret to the smokey eyeshadow? I can never get mine to do that. Damn.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHtJvIy4daI <---You'll have to cut and paste that one, LJ is being a bitch.
Alright, if you hate them both at least I can say I tried to expand your musical horizons. I try not to live in a bubble.