(no subject)

Aug 23, 2005 12:45

so far that two votes for wolf and a vote for a holocaust survivor. thats pretty damn good. Sigma Pi is back on campus and this year is looking to be the best yet for rush. hopefully we will put out a full contingent and be a threat to at least some of the smaller frats on campus. last night was the first night of the dodgeball tournament and it was funny as hell watching these people play. most people thought it would e like dodgeball back in elementary school, we changed the rules around and really had a good time. anyone who isnt on a team should try to play, time permitting. next year or maybe next semester hope fully it will be a full blown leauge instead of a tournament. keep your eyes out for more details. as for red clarity ... nascar because i can relate, if i didnt have a shopping list when i went to the store i would be just like the drivers doing laps, drinks, potato chips, drinks, potato chips... i skipped out on fencing last night but its ok cause so did ben and beth, we all had good reasons and still did our required fitness exercises to continue fencing.
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