Jan 23, 2009 16:57
One thing that is always on my mind is the constant debate of what I am going to do with my life as a career. I've thought of everything from interior decorator to a pharmacist to a forest ranger to a realtor... plus about fifty different career paths in between. The problem is that I like so many things. The other problem is that my future job must make good money and be stable. Of course, I must enjoy it. In that case, becoming a pharmacist would provide me with an incredible income, everyone will always need their medicine, and I already know so much about medicine from working as a medical transcriptionist for four years, however, there is the four years of college. Maybe I could get a grant, though. Still, being a pharmacist can be very stressful, but then every job can be and you just deal with it.
Then, there is interior decorating, something I am very good at. I absolutely *adore* anything to do with houses. It makes me feel so cozy and comfortable. However, the salary of an interior decorator can be iffy, and Indiana really isn't a happening state in that type of career. Also, what if the client hated my work? What about the job market for said career? So, then I think about landscape design. This is something that still really intrigues me. I like being outside and messing around in the dirt. It's a ton of fun and it makes me feel grounded (no pun intended). Also, being outdoors all day is very healthy. Still, I wonder what the salary range for that is in Indiana. Also, a job like a landscape designer is more suited for year-round climates. Not much you can do in the snow and I have to pay bills year round.
Of course, what I really want to do is be a writer. That is my passion, the thing I have wanted more than anything since I was a child, but it doesn't pay the bills until you have a few bestsellers under your belt, and that's only if you are lucky. So, what do I do until then? Should I go to Purdue and talk to a counselor and seek their advice? I'm going to be 27 soon and I feel like I'm running out of time. I'm miserable in the fact that I don't have my shit together at this age and already own my own home and am established in a career. High goal, but it is one I set for myself when I was a child. Of course, reality kicked me in the face, but I normally bend reality over and shove my foot up its ass. I can't seem to do that in this case.
I'm going to be 27 soon. Wow. I really need to just pick a fucking career and go for it! What happens is I think about a certain career and I feel all good about it. It sounds exciting and I can see myself doing said job. Then, the next day, week, month, whatever... I'm all "eh" about that career choice. Back to the drawing board.
Speaking of drawing, and before anyone suggests this, I absolutely do NOT want to do anything regarding drawing/painting. That is a hobby only. Shit... just doing commissions is making me start to dislike art, which is another reason of why I closed.
I'd really love some advice and pointers. I feel like there are a million paths in front of me, and I'm at the crossroads just walking around in circles and flailing about. Someone, please come up and make me stand still so I can look at a path long enough and pick one. This is really getting old... and so am I.