For German-Readers

Aug 04, 2008 17:00

I love this poem.

Appropriately enough, I was interrupted by my folks' very loud super-annoying landline phone twice while I was trying to read this. When my stepdad calls, it plays the first 2 lines of "Let me call you sweetheart" over and over. When most other people call, it plays this version of the "Ode to Joy" part of Beethoven's 9th Symphony that no doubt causes the composer to spin in his grave. Actually, the radio station my mom listened to all morning was also strangely appropriate. They play "contemporary (read: boring) Christian music", but instead of calling it a Christian station, the people who talk in between songs say things like, "Uplifting music that's always safe for your family," and "We help you stay focused on what's really important."
sei ohne sorge
mit musik
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