Well I should certainly hope so, considering I'm in a physics class right now.
Last Friday, I apologized to my 21-year-old classmate for any discomfort that my obsession with him might have caused and said that I will leave him alone from now on unless he specifically requests contact with me. He didn't seem freaked out at all, and told me to have a good weekend in exactly the same tone of voice as he had earlier. I still don't know if I did the right thing, but at least I feel a little less anxious. School is going well; I have As going in at least 3 classes and probably about an A- in physics, depending on how I did on my hated Scantron multiple-choice exam last Thursday. I think I want to keep my calculus book and keep my knowledge on that fresh as I go to various jobs in my life. For something that's built on just a couple of key ideas, it's very useful.
I've been going down to the public library in Janesville to work with a couple guys from my Stats class on group projects. I've had a current library card there ever since I checked something out as a favor to a friend, so last time I was there I checked out a Gang of Four CD and I love, love, LOVE it. At first they reminded me of Joy Division, but unlike many anti-fascist punk bands that focus on the visible effects of bad governments on society, they're more interested in how every thought and feeling and attitude inside an individual's mind has been shaped by powerful rulers, some of them long dead.
I haven't had much time to comment lately, but I've read everything except communities and about a week near the end of February (when I had killer Stats and Econ exams on successive days). I hope everyone I haven't heard from lately is doing well. I'm looking forward to watching Arsenal and Liverpool this Wednesday, as well as the start of American soccer this week.