Happy New Year

Jan 06, 2008 00:01

Well, my holidays were good. I went to my dad's late on Christmas Eve and my stepmom was busy playing Santa, since she had to do church services all day. I had asked my dad to tell me how much $ I was getting so I knew I'd be able to order a Cesc Fabregas hero jersey for my sister, so it was very exciting. I got a new pair of Polartec pajamas, some shower gel, one of those shirts that looks like 2 shirts but isn't, the promised money, some candy, and a purse that Grandma said was to put all my dreams in. Other than the minor fight that my dad got into with his inlaws because he ate a piece of the peach pie I had baked them for Christmas, a good time was had by all. I got to talk to my dad about the letter he sent to a local paper saying that he objects to the pledge of allegiance because America should be a democracy, not a republic (and there is a difference), and pledging allegiance to a flag that is a symbol for war and cruelty to many people isn't very cool either. My very conservative Catholic uncle had gotten into a discussion with him about it, but in the end he handled the disagreement in a very adult way that my other uncles probably wouldn't, so Dad was happy about that. Caitlynn's friend Kate came over and played "escape the room" games with her, and her friend Alexis came over and we looked at a misheard lyrics site. My favorite was that Shaggy song, you know the one where he says, "Picture this, we were both buck naked bangin' on the bathroom floor; how could I forget that I had given her an extra key..."? Well, someone thought he was saying, "How could I forget that I had given her an STD". I guess someone paid attention in middle school health class after all!

I couldn't go to Madison on the Friday after Christmas because of the weather, and I skipped going on Saturday for a family thing that never happened. We still did get our presents opened. My aunt sent me money even though she's always broke, and said I have to use at least part of it to do something nice for myself. I had Mom put it in the joint checking account, but I will probably buy a CD for myself and a calendar for my sister, since she didn't get one for Christmas. I'm scandalized that the mall hasn't marked those down yet. My mom got me more adults' clothes that will fit after a few washings, and I already got the watch that I had asked them to put a new band on, so I'm not too mad that my mom bought an incredibly expensive state-of-the-art computer for herself and had me open it like it was my gift. :) Now I don't have to listen to the old one, which sounds like a helicopter taking off, when I am trying to watch TV or talk on the phone. Just last night, my stepbrother and his new girlfriend stopped by when I wasn't here, and my stepdad said it's pretty clear to him that they are going to get married soon. At first he was kind of uncomfortable about it because she's in her 50s, but my dad is 18 years older than his wife and I supported that, so I don't have a leg to stand on. Anyway, the one time I met her she seemed like a responsible adult who might be able to temper his impulsiveness and lack of direction, so maybe it's a good thing she's older.

My mom's holiday party with her stepdad, his girlfriend, and my uncle and cousin went well. I don't know if I will ever see my aunt again because she seems to still be mad at my mom, but it had gotten to the point where we would only see them on Christmas anyway even though they live probably 5 minutes away, so I guess there's nothing for it but to lower my expectations. I made them a pumpkin pie and I got some bath stuff, which I actually need, though I'm not sure what to do with it because it all says not to use it around my eyes or lips. "New, Habanero body wash. It's Hot!" The BBQ beans I made for the party were well received, and we got everyone out the door before anyone called the police, took their clothes off, or started talking about all the "n-words" and Mexicans, so it was the Best Christmas Ever.

Last night I got to go to Sci-Fi Friday for the first time in 3 weeks, and the only thing that would've made it more fun was if TK could've made it, but he had a bad headache after giving blood. I got a handmade bookshelf for my future home, some festive socks, and some awesome cards that I'll keep a secret in case I want to send one to anyone who reads this - they're really "me". *snicker* I hope everyone likes the pies I made - that's the thing about giving pies as gifts, you really can't try a piece to make sure it doesn't taste awful. Most of all, it was great to see everyone again and hear some fun family holiday stories. I really liked the episode of SGA, not least because they're taking the storyline in a direction I wouldn't have predicted a few episodes ago. We watched a fun ep of Sarah Jane Smith too, although I get the impression that these alien races would be more of a challenge for the UK's teens if they didn't say "Rar!" with every step. Stealth, people. I'm looking forward to new Torchwood too, although I never did get to see all of the first season. *sniff*

Finals were the biggest pain in the butt I can remember, even going back to my high school days. It was partly my own fault for not being properly prepared, but having a VERY complicated take-home final in one class that was due the same day that another prof showed up 45 minutes late for a very challenging traditional final did complicate things. One woman had to pull out her cell phone and call her boss to try to get permission to come in late. In the end, I still got good grades in all my classes. I think a couple of the teachers decided to curve the final, especially because our very important second-to-last class day was snowed/iced out.

I'm not going to do a real "Year in review" thing this year. I did want to mention one unique thing that happened, which was that all my mom's brothers and sisters came up here in September and stayed for a few days. It was pretty cool, and when I can see them all in one place, things make sense that didn't before. I got to have a fun conversation with my older aunt and my mom about all the trouble they used to get in and how they were experts at escaping the cops. I said that I was a perfect angel compared to them, and then Mom told me about how I wandered away on the day after my younger sister died and they found me in a neighbor's cornfield just walking down one of the rows (I was 3). My aunt and uncle were supposed to be watching me (but they were probably drunk). I had never heard that story, but it highlighted how I'm different from my mother and that side of my family - even just the fact that she had never told me about it. Anyway, I think that they are starting to see how complex my relationship with them has always been, instead of writing me off as just a "bad" or difficult kid. Near the end of the visit, my younger aunt and I went up to Madison and walked on State Street. I took her to a Mexican restaurant and the hippie pharmacy where I always got my prescriptions, and we talked honestly about a lot of things that we probably wouldn't always say with the rest of the family around. I had a pretty good time, and I hope they'll visit sometime when I'm not in school and have more time to join the party. I even sent a card to my one uncle that I hardly ever see, thanking him for visiting.

I hope everyone's new year is off to a good start so far. Remember to tell the people around you that you love them.
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