Dec 22, 2003 14:42
Once again, the web sucks. Evidentally 70% of my email is from myspace and I can't even read my damn messages. Jesus sent me a message! IT MUST BE OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE!
Ohwell. I miss Louie and I no have phone book right here with me so I can't call him...::sniff:: I wouldn't call from Jason's right now anyways but I'd use up my dad's long distance just cause. Actually I will. Hehehe.
Yeah so last night I paraded through cities and swung on a swing at four am and actually drove a car around for a little while, which is always cool, and just battled the night. I didn't fall asleep til 8:30 which is morning so there's you go. I've been up since 10:20 AM woohoo! 2 hours of sleep yay! But I am a warrior...I can survive.
Jagrmeister (Howeva the fuck you spell it) has said:
Thank you, your holiness, bor bestowing your holy cross between my antlers in my icon. I am blessed to be the Official Liquor of The Lord Almighty.
Quote of the day.