Title: It's Complicated (What comes from love?)
Comments: Inspired from watching the movie Boys Love. It's like me expressing my exasperation at why people sometimes do the things they do... and it's my first 'lyrical' piece posted (so imagine your favourite singer singing this? Preferably ballad... although rock would be interesting? XD) I have plenty others not posted >_> Actually, most aren't even finished :x Please enjoy *bows*
[Narration] A spark of interest,
A fleeting touch,
Separation... and regret.
(What comes from love?)
Curiosity, it comes from love, as I strive to know you better.
Finding out what makes you smile, makes you laugh,
Awakens feelings I harbour only for you.
Happiness, it comes from love, as we are content just lying around
Underneath the generous shade while enjoying the sparkling sun;
Your hand holding mine, my hand holding yours.
It is times like this that we don't have to ask
What comes from love?
[Chorus] Many things, it seems, come from love.
Many things, it seems, make up love.
I tell you I care for you, tell you I trust you.
Does your love come from my love?
Doubt and suspicion, they come from love, as we start to drift apart.
Excuses made to cover ourselves only widens the chasm.
You or me or are we both seeing someone else?
Jealousy and anger, they come from love, as the truth is now uncovered.
I scream that I love you more, except you don't love me more,
Instead you run away to the other someone.
Secrets, lies, deception and fear...
What comes from love?
[Chorus] Many things, it seems, come from love.
Many things, it seems, make up love.
I told you I cared for you, told you I trusted you.
Did you ever love me?
Tears streaming, heart breaking, a pearl of lament.
It is times like this when I question myself and ask
What comes from love?
[Chorus] Many things, it seems, come from love.
Many things, it seems, make up love.
I told you I cared for you, told you I trusted you, told you, I told you, I told you...
Many things, it seems, come from love.
Many things, it seems, make up love...