[FIC] Creature Forest - Chapter 3

Jan 19, 2012 18:52

Title: Creature Forest
Pairings: Yunjae, Yoosu, Eunhae, Kyumin, and many more
Ratings: PG- 13 maybe NC -17 later
Warnings: None for now
Genre: Angst, High School, Romance, Comedy, Action
Length: 3/?
Summary: Jaejoong, Junsu and Sungmin have been best friends since they were in diapers. So when one of them moves to a new town, of course the other two have to go with him! But what happens when the new neighborhood seems just a little bit........ suspicious? And what happens when the boys find the the neighborhood's famous forest that NO ONE is allowed to go into?! Find out in this new and upcoming fic called Creature Forest!

Chapter 3

When Jaejoong opened his eyes, he was greeted by a handsome face.

" Hey? Are you ok?" The other boy asked.

Jaejoong was too shocked to answer.

" OMO! Jaejoong!!! Are you ok?" Junsu screamed, running into the middle of the street. Sungmin following, also shocked at the incident that just happened.

" What happened?" Jaejoong asked, not noticing that he was still being held in the unknown man's arms.

" Um... haha" The guy chuckled, catching Jaejoong's attention. "I saved you."

" Oh.......thanks then." Jaejoong smiled.

"Um..... Jaejoong?" Junsu motioned his eyes to let Jaejoong know about the akward position he was in.

"OH! SORRY!" Jaejoong apologized as he tried to get himself out of the guy's hold. Once he was able to , he stood up and asked the handsome guy what happened.

" So what happened?"

" You don't remember?" The guy chuckled. " Well, you did faint, so I wouldn't be surprized."

Jaejoong blushed,embarrassed that he was so wimpy that he fainted.


"Jaeoong!!!!" They both screamed, making Jaejoong turn to the now nearing sound of the car. It was right in front of him! Only a few feet!

Just then a tall and muscular man ran out onto the street and caught Jaejoong just as he fainted, before he shielded Jaejoong with his body.


The car hit the boy but it seemed like it hadn't. The car stopped. It had a huge dent in the front of it, the same shape as the boy's outlining. But the boy was not affected. Not even a scrape.

He looked at the fainted boy in his arms, just as he was waking up.

End of flashback

"Yup........We saw the whole thing!" Junsu exclaimed.

"OMO! I thought you were going to die!" Sungmin finally said.

"Well.....thanks again." Jaejoong blushed, rubbing the back of his head, still embarrassed.

"No problem." The boy smiled back. " You guys new to the neighborhood?"

" Yeah! How did you know?!" Junsu talked before anyone else.

"Haha. Well, not many people really come here for a vacation. So, I just assumed that you were moving here. And I've never seen you guys around here before. So.......welcome to the neighborhood! My name's Yunho." He greeted with his hand out.

They all shook his hand.

"Um.....Are you guys heading to your house?" Yunho said as he looked at their luggage bags.

"Oh! Yeah! Could you help us finding it? We were actually going to use a taxi but........i don't think it's such a good idea anymore." Jaejoong laughed, Yunho smiled after.

" Sure! Where do you live?"

"Um.....on Survivor road. House number 666." Sungmin and Junsu shivered at the thought of the number.

" Number 666?!!!! NO! We can't live there!! That's bad luck!" Sungmin yelled in protest.

" Oh come one you guys! You don't really believe in that stuff do you?" Jaejoong rolled his eyes.

" Actually......" Yunho started. " I would agree with your friends. That house has some bad history. If you want, you guys could live with me."

"No thanks. I think we should be fine." Jaejoong answered, before Sungmin and Junsu could protest. But that didn't stop them from whining.

"Ahhh~ But Jae! We don't want to!" They both whined.

" Oh, put a sock in it!"

" Ok but if anything bad happens, you can always come over." Yunho smiled, before grabbing some of their luggage bags.

" Your house is just a few minutes from here. Just on that hill. We can take my car." Yunho pointed to a hill at the end of the road, before he opened his car door and put their luggage bags in. He went over to the passenger's seat, next to the driver's seat, and opened the door for Jaejoong. Motioning his hand from Jaejoong to the car seat. Jeajoong blushed.

'Ahhhhh!!!!! Why do I keep blushing! I'm not a girl! Guys don't blush! ' Jaejoong kept thinking to himself.

Once everyone was in the car, Yunho started driving. Sungmin and Junsu fell asleep in the back of the car, while Jaejoong looked out the window to see their new neighborhood. At the end of the road, there wasn't as many houses. The more they drove, the less houses they saw.

It actually was a really quick drive, because before you knew it, they were already there.

"Junsu! Sungmin! Wake up!" Jaejoong screamed, as he shook both of them.

"Mmmm Five more minutes.~" Sungmin whined.

Jaejoong got close to his ear and whispered,

" If you don't wake up, i'm going to rape you." he said sexily.

"AHHHH! I'M UP!!!!" Sungmin screamed, before smacking Junsu to wake the other up too.

"Ahhhh!!!~ Sungmin hyung!~" Junsu whined.

" So this is your new house." Yunho span around with his hands out. Showing them there new/old house.

" New?!" Jaejoong scoffed.

"New to you." Yunho smirked.

The house was very old. When they tried to open the door, it took them a while to open it. Yunho had to help by slamming into the door to get it to open.

"Thanks." Jaejoong said.

"No problem. But are you sure you want to live here?"

" Yeah. I'm not a scaredy cat, like my friends here." Jaejoong stated as he pointed to his friends behind him, with their mouths open wide, too scared to enter the house.

"Come on. I'll show you around the house." Yunho smiled, as he grabbed Jaejoong's hand.

"You know where everything is here? How?!" Jaejoong questioned. He thought that no one would know their way around this house since it looks too scary to even enter. And even Yunho said it was scary! So how would he know?!

"Well, I used to hang out here with my friends."

"And you weren't scared of this place? I thought you said it was scary."

"Yeah, it is to most people. Just not me or my friends. We actually like scary things. You know vampires, demons, all that kind of stuff." Yunho laughed.

" Oh, so you're into stuff like Twilight right? Since you like vampires? So does that mean you like werewolves too? Haha, Which team are you on Jacob or Edward." Jaejoong joked.

" No. I hate werewolves. And ghosts are just stupid." Yunho's expression changed. Jaejoong stopped smiling immediately at Yunho's seriousness.

" Oh, so you don't believe in ghosts but you believe in vampires? That's a little stupid." Jaejoong covered his mouth immediately, regretting what he said.

" Excuse me?! What did you just say?! I'm stupid? Ha! This coming from the guy who was stupid enough to almost get hit by a car just to get a taxi! You know you could've died if I didn't save you?!" Yunho scoffed.

"Well, I never asked you to save me!" Jaejoong back screamed at the other.

" What? And I should've just ignored you and let you die then?!"

"YES! Because if you did, we never would've met!"

"FINE THEN! From now on, I don't know who you are, except for the fact that you're the stupid new kid!" Yunho screamed, before storming out of the house, slamming the front door behind him.

Junsu and Sungmin walked in just then, with confusion written all over their face.

"Jaejoong? What did you just do?!" They both said in unison.


Yoosu fight?
Yoosu were fighting?! Wahhhh?!!!!! And where did Yunho and Junsu go?! they should've been in front of the camera so I could see them! lol 

genre: angst, pairing: yunho/jaejoong, genre: supernatural, genre: romance, fic: creature forest, rating: pg-13, genre: highschool, pairing: yoochun/junsu, genre: drama

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