(no subject)

Jan 03, 2009 06:00

Unlike Laura with her fancy links and such. I seem to have mostly ignored the incoming new year for at least the last 3 years with barely a "Hey, it is now 200*, as opposed to 200*-1."

Lets change that. Starting NOW!
First with some recapocity.

As for the last few days of this I posted my first late comic. Boo. (THEY ARE UP NOW!) But I must thank everyone who has helped to bring it some form of life over its first month. Next goal: Double readership by February! The site's ComicRank has moved from its initial 111 to 70 66! and is currently listed under the "Highest Movers" page!

Also in the last week, as most are hopefully aware of by now, Kerstyn and I got engaged. Honestly, it is probably the single most exciting thing that has ever occurred in my life. There's just so much to look forward to.

Here's a quick review of the rest of the year that wasn't in December:
- I had an ok job that I loved, but was having issues with.
- Those issues eventually escalated to the point that I resigned. It wasn't pretty.
- I spent four months unemployed because the job market is crap.
- I am now back at the group home, only now as an overnight staff. It's ok, aside from the weird sleep.
- I got to see Laura for the first time since forever when I brought Kerstyn to NYC for the first time.
- I hung out in Provincetown twice this summer.
- I had to schedule holidays like never before.
- I visited Denver, CO twice and got a free trip to San Fransisco from Yahoo!
- I've been attending church regularly since April, and actually do something with it.
- My name is in every copy of the Gamm Theatre's show programs for the 2008-09 season, which Kerst and I also have tickets to.
- My car of slightly under two years reached 40,000 miles.
- I lost of lot of my long-developed networking.

Looking ahead to 2009, here's some of my major goals:
- Purge out my old life. Things that I have kept for too long or are just defunct symbols in my life.
- Continue to build readership in TcL. Try to at least break even with costs/revenue.
- Begin planning the wedding. (Currently scheduled for May 29, 2010).
- Dig myself out of the debt that unemployment caused.
- Get into some kind of better shape.

Lots of things to do and look forward to. Lets hope I manage to get through them.

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