CHR: Walking at the Side of Light

Jan 18, 2007 21:07

Sequel to Coming From the Shadow. Which I still have to finish it's final chapter, lol.

Walking At the Side of Light

Nomehar - Wakstihna - Ranger
Lazithar - Wakstihna - Bard
Nona - Red Mage / Beastmaster? - Wakstihna
Black Waltz II - Wakstihna - Black Mage…ish.
Myron - Bard - “Lost”
Kano-Tema - Summoner - “Lost”
Nanaa Mihgo - Sibyl Guard Captain
Semih Lafihna - Chieftainness

The Sibyl Guard [Theme: ]
Nanaa Mihgo - Sibyl Guard Captain
Bopa Greso
Cha Lebagta
Shaz Norem
Vahn Paineesha
Rhy Epocan
Ufu Koromoa
Foo Beibo
Luzie - Messenger unless there is a call to arms; Samurai 49
Pevasrus - Luzie’s best friend

Consultants [Theme: ]
Nive - Bard - Consultant
Gemshorn; Ebony Harp; Traversiere

Other Heaven’s Tower Folk [Theme: ]
Star Sibyl - Leader of Windurst
Can’t kill her off in another story. Makes it unoriginal. Hm.

Hitari - Clerical Chamber desk (still sorta consultant)
Her excuse for quitting field work is that after Nomehar’s destruction through Windurst, a lot of spaces needed to be filled for the dead, so she took up “office” work.

Mhabi Molkot - Ballista head
Still here. Still alive.

Vale-Varo - Black Mage
Doesn’t see Miriku much; hangs with Kunna

Kunna - White Mage
ditto; hangs with Varo

Avura - Red Mage

Nass - Monk

Kyorl - Black Mage
Part time librarian @ Orastery

Toran - Warrior

Gillas - Elvaan - Paladin
Brother to Kiv. Wants to be part of Sibyl Guard.

Semih Lafihna

Dox - Mithra - Dark Knight
One of the people from Aht Urghan inspecting Wayward.
Finn - Mithra - Red Mage
One of the people from Aht Urghan inspecting Wayward.
Vina - Hume - Blue Mage
One of the people from Aht Urghan inspecting Wayward.

Pyrite - Mithra - Red Mage
Just… bopping around I guess~

Nbu Latteh
Straightened up and discovered Bard as a gil-making strategy!

Salaheem Sentinels [Theme: ]
Naja Salaheem
Has no idea what the fuck is up with Wayward; it’s not her problem

Risu - Warrior
She owns. Wields anything.
Windurst Ambassador from Aht Urghan. [Sergeant]

Paris - Thief
Has a tarutartu mannequin that she totes around named Lineu.
Bastok Ambassador from Aht Urghan. [Sergeant Major]

Zeanna - Samurai
Travels with Noz.
Jeuno Ambassador from Aht Urghan. [Lance Corporal]

Noz - Dark Knight
Travels with Veanna.
Jeuno Ambassador from Aht Urghan. [Corporal]

Whispering Bear
San d’Oria Ambassador from Aht Urghan. [Corporal]

NPC “Children” [Theme: ]
Phuz Mannohl
Aid to Semih. Her mom was killed by Kiv.

Migi Centa
Follows Miriku around sometimes; likes to see her summons.

Yafa Yaa
Delinquent. Left the Star Onion Brigade far behind her tail.

Mov Lingyoh
Never did find the S.O.B… hangs out with Yafa Yaa now.

Valah Molkot
Mhabi’s younger sister. Bastokan. Beastmaster! :D

Roh Latteh
Loves her mom. Went out adventuring with her.

Koko Lihzeh
The mithra kid who excelled in the academy.

Crimson Secret - Tavnazia [Theme: ]
Maelthra - Elvaan(M) - Dragoon - Wyvern: Soryu
Married to Haruk officially.

Haruk - Mithra - Ninja
Married to Maelthra officially.

Dalhar - Hume(F) - Dark Knight
Is one of the few people in Vana’diel who can wield a scythe completely with one hand. She can do it with her left hand too. Her right arm/hand cannot really be used.

Kal’daka - Mithra - Red Mage
Elzar - Hume(M) - Black Mage
Kl’ae - Tarutaru(F) - White Mage

*They’re back in Tavnazia for the most part.

Wayward - Aht Urhgan [Theme: Boom Boom Ba]
(Knell) - Mithra - Corsair/Time Mage something or other
(Bane) - Tarutaru(M) - Corsair
(Blasphemy) - Tarutaru(F) - Corsair
(Rhapsody) - Mithra - Blue Mage
(Ethereal) - Mithra - Puppetmaster - Narakuush
(Delirium) - Mithra - Puppetmaster - Voun

(Requiem) - Mithra - Time Mage
(Solstice) - Mitha - Time Mage
(Vendetta) - Hume(F) - Time Mage
(Scarlet) - Elvaan(F) - Corsair
(Token) - Tarutaru(M) - Chemist/White Mage
(Veil) - Tarutartu(M) - Bard

(Omen) - Mithra - Wyvern Knight/Time Mage :O - Brimstone
(Oblivion) - Mithra - Dragoon - Chiori
(Oblique) - Mithra - Dragoon - Majha

(Penumbra) - Mithra - Red Mage
(Eclipse) - Mithra - Puppetmaster - Brith
(Horde) - Mithra - Black Mage

Captain - (Knell)
First Mate - (Ethereal)
Second Mate - (Omen)/Strategy & Tactics
Bo’sun - (Horde)
Pilot - (Penumbra)/Sailing Master
Cabin - (Token)/Surgeon
Lookout - (Bane)/Map Master
Loot - (Requiem)
Weapon Master - (Oblivion)/Master Gunner
Raid Master (s) - (Vendetta) & Omen
Sails Master - (Scarlet)/Topsail Master
Blacksmith - (Oblique)
Goldsmith - (Blasphemy)
Clothcraft - (Eclipse)/Leathercraft
Alchemist - (Rhapsody)
Bonecraft - (Solstice)
Woodworking - (Delirium)
Musician - (Veil)
Executioner - (Horde)
Cargo - Kakaroon
Cargo - Chiaroon

Time Mage
Ahhh yes... the Time Mage. Not much related to the job in the few FF games it was in. Still has the spells: Slow, Haste, Stop, Float, Reflect, Gravity. With additional of other existing spells like Warp. Wayward has the only existing Time Mages. They have been developing the magic for quite awhile, doing small, unnoticeable things until they perfected their magic. And then there's other, more "special" stuff some of them can do. Like Requiem has a hexagun that she can shoot special bullets out of that warp people off where she wants them too. All of them (not so much Knell; her magic is weaker) can basically cast a Stop on an entire room. And they can sometimes mess with peoples' memories >>;; Yeah. They're not good to have around for the sake of Vana'diel :D

Wyvern Knight
Like... a really kick-ass Dragoon. They've got a kind of chaotic feel around them. 'course Omen is the only one. Ever. Oh um. Yeah... and her wyvern is one of the crystal-warrior-evil-like-one. Black with red eyes :3 Yeah. She's weird. And yet she's a very light-hearted person XD

There's actually a bigger plot point related to them which I shall not go into because um... year. MAJOR PLOT POINT. Heh.

character guide, watsol, coming from the shadow, fanfic

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