Title: Shadow
Author: ShadowSpirit
Email: HPFerret@aol.com
Feedback: Why not?
Rating: PG-13 to be safe. It's sorta twisted... heh.
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts II
Chapter: One
Summary: What happens when someone loses themselves to not exactly the darkness, but the dark power itself?
WIP: Complete
Word Count: 1037
Disclaimer: Square-Enix and Disney owns the lot.
No spoilers. Not really. I guess you could say I'm spoiling one of the forms. But... not really.
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Darkness. Consuming - consumingfesteringdarkness - everything; everywhere. Nothing was making sense; up, down, right, left - left, over… over… over where? Darkness. Oh… it was almost pleasing. An odd aroma that could not rid itself from all around - the only thing that could truly be recognized was that sickly sludge smell of putrid something - oil - but still… still having its own… its own… flowery breath to it…
And then… more. Recognition. Recognition of power. Speed.
. . .
Voice tried to tear out; to claw its way free, but all that driveled out was a long, high-pitched hiss and eyes suddenly opened but everything was different than whatever it - it? Or… he? What? What? - was use to. So much… there was so much to take in! Yellow eyes all stared at him and shuffled for him. Not friendly. NOT FRIENDLY! … but he smelled the same putrid sink into the ground where their tendrils dripped through and while he couldn’t make a shadow and slip into the ground he thought he was still the same.
The power… the power was intense. He heard everything so clearly, from crisp clipped words of some funny looking creatures shouting at him, to low mumbles and hums and hisses from the dark beings that continued to slink forward and under and over him and try to tear out his entire life-force, but -
- but he had more than they did. He had that power shaking energy from his hands - no, claws! Hands…? - darkness steaming off of his body, then circling, then gathering, until all at once he thrust his two claw-hands towards each other and the energy spun and twisted together with an eerie crack and he fell through the air to push down at all the black scurrying maggots that were betraying him. It surged and leaked out and the streamers of darkness wrapped around the fading ball then coiled back to his body, settling to his feet.
It was just… wild. Or was he the wild one? Those two crazed orbs searched the area wildly - that’s right - looking for any of the others that felt like turning on him. He hissed lowly; body shaking, pulsing…, spinning. Turn around and see two coming for him, waving those funny little arms. Didn’t have that same smell. Their smell nearly made him recoil, but he held his ground and hissed again; long and drawn out.
More traitors?
A trap! They were trying to deceive him! To trick him! Starting with that horribly pure smell that hurt all his senses so much and made it feel like the world was beginning to collapse around him…
Reason. Reason didn’t exist. Reason couldn’t exist. Reason was for… for… for human beings and he wasn’t human. He was a thing. A creature. He was heartl -
no, no, no…
Yessss… he wanted to hiss back so strongly. He was dominant. He’d prove it, too. He’d show that he reigned supreme over all who tried to walk over him like this - like everyone surrounding him. He was without a heart! And oh, how they would see!
The claws - yes, yes, definitely claws - pulled back and lashed out for a neck, the darkness following suit and abandoning his aura around his arm to assist. Snap it in two seconds. Maybe even one. Maybe a more painful way. No, no, don’t think, just kill - just take - just -
… no.
. . . Sh-a-t-t-er . . .
How wrong was this! The dark demonic empty hiss was doing just that and fading back to emptiness; to nothingness, to the nonexistent realm until power became so great and so uncontrollable and it could become lively again and…and… and… . . .
Wide eyes. Wide, blue, eyes. Shaking. Every bit of him, but not out of power, out of weakness. They stared at his arm, the hand, so close to wrapping and squeezing around the small, thin, feathery neck. He slowly took a step back. Everything felt slow. He could only smell his own sweat, feel it, too. What…just happened…? His voice wasn’t working for him. He couldn’t ask them. He couldn’t tell his friends - not traitors! - how sorry he was for almost killing them.
“Gawrsh, Sora, are you ok…?” the worried question came. No hands around that neck. No darkness coming from his own body to try and suck the life right out of that neck. To take another heart.
Sora looked behind him, working his jaw, working his damn brain, trying to work anything to make sure that he was human! Goofy. Donald. Almost killed Donald, just like that. Goofy was… Goofy was supposed to aid him… take him up a notch… help him become Valor… but no, no, no… something… something happened. What happened? What the hell happened?!
He couldn’t stop shaking.
“Sora…?” Donald must’ve finally gotten over from shock.
“I…” he whispered back. Was not a hiss. That was a good sign. “I don’t…” He felt ill. Ill and cold. And his hands and arms were completely numb. His feet were like jello, though jello that was left out for a few days; so they were a mix of locked up and falling apart in places. His eyes could only see the emptiness of the area before him. Not a single Heartless in sight. There had been so many of them. Everywhere. Even Valor wouldn’t have torn through them as quickly as he had.
He had been lost. Confused, unsure, dripping with a creepy power which might have been the reason he was feeling sick to his stomach right now and hoping he hadn’t ate much earlier in the day. He barely had seen his way out of the darkness. The only thing… the only thing that saved him… was that the Drive just simply… faded. Gave out. Died.
That lost, confusion, darkness… he’s only truly felt like that one other time.
When he had lost his heart.
When he had been a Heartless.
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Towards when I was about done I remembered that when Sora goes Anti-Form (I kinda like someone's idea of calling it 'Shadow Drive'), both his pals poof out. Obviously that didn't happen here. :3 I thought about changing it, to fit. But I really didn't want to. Poor Donald.
...by the way, I sort of figured this as the first time Sora accidently slipped into Anti-Form. Sorta lost in the darkness, then conscious in a way, but with all the darkness and energy he sort of loses it and goes crazy-rabid-Sora.