Jun 01, 2010 20:58
So they finally unblocked facebook? I had checked it early in the morning and it didn't seem likely but this guy told me later today. I don't feel like visiting it at the mo :( Like I said, there's no freedom of speech here :( My heart's sorta broken. I don't agree with religious people very much, even then I was not able to access FB. Twitter is so boring. Infact let me check it :P. Been watchin flash tutos lately. Using flash after a very long time. It has changed so much over the time. Readin 'Da Vince Code' by 'Dan Brown' It's good. I've reached half of the book. Yep. had bought this and 2 more books or so. 'Death on Nile' wasn't available so I bought 'Five Little Pigs' since I had read it a little on pdf and finally bought that huge Sherlock Collection since it was cheap too. Had video recorded the books in my cell. Later, noted down the author's and book's titles and will be downloadin the books. I mostly download a book so that I can read a few pages before I decide to buy the paper version which is more comfortable.