Title: [True Blood] Happy New Year
Character(s)/Pairing: Sookie/Sam
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: (implied) violence
Word Count: 100 [x2]
Notes: Written for
trueblood100. Challenge #58 “Countdown”. There are two drabbles under the cut that are connected.
It had happened way too fast for neither Sam nor Sookie to react before it went down. Fights at Merlotte’s were rare, but they happened, occasionally. And even lesser times, weapons were involved.
“That’s what you get for trying to… Ah!” Sam yelled out in pain when Sookie pressed a towel against the wound.
“Just lie still. An ambulance is on its way.”
“God no! No ambulance! Just pull it out! I’ll heal!”
“Are you out of your mind?!”
“Maybe.” He smiled. “Do it!”
“Okay.” Sookie’s voice and fingers shook. “On three.”
She wouldn’t forget Sam’s scream for a while.
After she pulled the knife out, Sookie pressed the towel against the wound again. Sam breathed deeply in and out.
“You’re lucky you’re a shapeshifter,” she said.
“I’m lucky the knife didn’t go in too deep,” he replied. “But I guess you’re right, too.”
When he tried to sit up, Sookie helped. They were in his office, and only distantly, they heared Sam’s guests count down from ten. After they yelled “one”, everybody screamed happily and blew party whistles.
Sam smiled weakly. “Happy new year, Sookie.”
“Happy new year,” she said, and bent down to kiss him on the cheek.