Feb 09, 2009 13:40
Dear Liz,
it is not OK that your in my life. first off you have no right to talk about my mother the way you do or impose the restrictions on y father the way you do. We had a conversation the other day about my mother state of fiances and I made the comment that Christmas was hard for her. did you come back with something at least civil? no what you said was" well she did that to herself" she did it to her self?
before you even begin to start pointing fingers at my mother, I would greatly appreciate t if you took some blame yourself. you don't see me talking about neurotic you are, how you end up being a bit of a collector. You never put away your stuff ( which you constantly get onto me about) and you go and buy frivolous things like little ceramic dolls. what use does it serve when your house is a museum? when we can't even walk around in it for fear that a huge glass case is going to fall on us.
Any time we have ever talked about my mother,you always go on the defensive. are you that insane? why in the world would after eight almost nine years of divorce, would my mother want him back? Is it so incredibly horrible to think that my father and my mother are actually on good terms with each other? So instead of trying to be friends with her, you demean her,and make comments to her face like, " thanks for doing the hard part... you know raising the kids" When we ever say you were our mother? for that matter when did we ever say that we were family?
I call you step- mother because in the eyes of the law that's what you are. but that's not who you are to me. you wanna be family so bad? then act like it. Last time I check family's didn't favor the gender of one child over another. your family didn't force you on your ass in six months just because you didn't have a job. Families don't do that.
And what you don't don't understand is that my father had just a hard of a time raising kids as a single dad as mom has as a single mom. There were time when he asked her to help him out and give him some extra money. Because raising kids, actual human kids, not the four legged kind, is hard. But you wouldn't know anything about that would you?
you think that support this marriage , but what you don't realize is that i support it not because i think its right, but because my father deserves to be happy. but from what I'm seeing your not making him feel that way. you ask him to do impossible inane tasks. he's the one that gets dinner started and cleans the house. what do you do? play games on your computer. that's all I've ever seen you do. you don't even wash your own dogs. I do that. my father rolls his eyes and walks away from you and you are under the delusion that you have a happy marriage. you make him do everything with you. he has to go to the barter and he has to go to the church. honestly i don't think my father would be joining the church if it weren't for you. hes not doing it out the community for God, he's doing it because of some inane guilt trip you've laid on him, and the only reason i do things around the house is so that he doesn't get drama from you.
if i was ever glad to get a job and get out of a house this was the one that id love to get out of.
this is all i want to say