Things happen

Apr 03, 2007 17:48

Posititve things,
I got every answer in music theory right today.
its a beautiful day
No drama with friends as of yet.

negative things.
I was basically told that I was a retard because I was a drummer today in music Theory. E j ( the professor of said class) was making "jokes" about people getting answers right. Then he said in a retarded voice( think carlos mencia) " I'm a drummer I got it right i did good" I want to throw something at him. nothing I ever do is good enough for that man. Either I'm a complete idiot and I don't know any better. or if i have a good day and understand it, he has to take me down a notch with his drummer comments. Why are drummers inferior people. Everyone thinks that playing drums is the easiest thing in the world. It aint like clappin hands people. this is'nt preschool where you sing " I can keep a steady beat, hey that's neat" so you know how to keep time, whoop-de freakin -do. a toddler can do that.
can you move your hands an feet in rythm to a song and still be on beat without throwing everyone off? It's not that easy. Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying I'm the best in the world, But I know I'm pretty decent. I can hold my own if needed and I think I've proved myself this semester with that. I've been asked to play three types of music which I am not accustomed to . Jazz, Gospel ( which I have a lot of respect for both types of drummers in said music, but none asks me. they just all assume that all I listen to is metal. they would have no idea. grrrr!!!!) and A musical, which musical drumming is harder for me because its non improvistional, theres a set score and such. I actualy have to know how to read the music, which I don't which has proved very challenging for me.
i don't just listen to metal, yes metal helps me with my double bass chops, but i listen to jazz and gospel, blues, country, rock, indie, you name it and it has a drum beat to it and i'll probably give it a listen. I'm not that narrow minded. But like every other "musician", singers excluded ( not because singers aren't musicians, because they are, but because I am referring to those here that play musical instruments)Drumers are looked down upon because we don't read actual music. Well you know if it weren't for me, you would'nt have rock, or blues, or jump blues, or swing. infact the song sing sing sing, written by louis prima( king louie of jungle book fame) and performed by benny goodman and his orchesta would have never been written in fact it would be the most pointless peice ever because you would have huge rests of empty space where noone is playing.

also my throne( the thing i sit on to play drums, no im not trying to be presumptious thats what its called and some people know this but many don't , so im not trying to treat anyone like they are inferiour) was basically taken and used without my permisson. they guy that used did not put it back , and EJ ( again same professor) basically took it and put it with the school kit. I was not happy. i was given a crappy throne ( mine is not much better but its better than what I was given) . It slanted at like a thirty degree angle. if i sat with the seat angling down i slide forwards. If I sit with the seat angleing backwards i slide backwards. i had to sit on the edge of it yesterday, not condusive to my playing at all. then when i did return it to EJ, he acted like it did'nt much matter. so ive decided if I don't get my stand back , im either talking to strang about it to get me some keys to the room the school drums are stored in, or im going to tell EJ to buy me a new drum throne. No one repsects me or my things. there will be hell to pay.

thats all i can rant right now, i have to go to work.
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