Aug 04, 2005 18:50
I have negelcted to update my personal entry for quite some time, perhaps it would be efficient to explain my behaviour to others who read this if I conjured one up now. I shall proceed.
Nothing is really new with me, I have downloaded some lost songs I once heard and didnt like, to which I now love. Most of them being Anberlin and Kids In The Way. Brand New and The Used was also in there as well. So thats all good, Im liking it alot. I made a real life transformers video clip of 13 seconds, its amazing but the size is rediculous! lol 48 Megabytes for a 13 second clip, thats not right. I need to lok for some codecs to help out with that. umm, what else. Im going for my G1 soon to which I can easily pass seeing as I drive now and then and know all the rules and the bit. lol I just dont need the car for anything right now so I have had no need for the car. But Im getting bored so it will be something to do.Well now, I'll get to the best part of what Ive done so far. It can only be...yes it was at Josh's place.
I was sitting on here minding my own take over the world business, and then josh came online and said come over to my place and we'll eat food and swim and stuff. So Im like, meh, your the boss (which he's really not!). So I went to the library yesterday to get a few movies, then I proceeded to the Byes place where I coaxed 2 out of three Byes to go which isnt bad I guess. We jammed there with Dereks and Darrells guitar for a bit then there dad drove us there. We were the first ones there and it was right in between the Downers dinner time **Josh told me to come at ANY time** (I think he did that on purpose, lol) so the Byes and I went and waited in their backyard at the poool. Then Katie and Melissa came with other ppl and before long there were lots of ppl there.We first went in the pool and chucked things at each other, some f us got it worse than other (I was hit in the throat with some sort of hard plastic water frisbee) so that Meh, it was. Then we played water polo and our team had practially all the girls, and about 5 guys. So we played and at many times the girls were all over the ball but it was only the girls because when they were all fighting over it and touching each other all the guys just went to the side of the pool and watched! lol Talking and telling them to do Nathan and his "ok girls stop touching each other and take off the baithing suits!" and then Chris ws like "dude, my sister is in there" and we all didnt say anything and looked at him and Im like "yeah, shes a pretty girl Chris!" So us all guys just watched and then Mellisa left then Chris said, ok NOW take it off! And yeah, many times the girls were to say, all over each other so we guys stoped and watched. I must have got like 10 goals, maybe more, Jason cherry picked like there's no tomorrow and he says "meh, whatever gets the job done!" lolol. too funny. Alot of us tripped over the stairs in the pool cuz while trying to score we kinda forgot about them ^_^'. After that we ate food and drank drink and made our way to the firepit. Now what will be explained here, I dont want anybody trying unless they know what their doing cuz it could really hurt ya but we knew what we were doing well. So yeah. Basically we dossed the firepit with gasoline, and then we shot fireworks into it! The explosion was amazing, prob the biggest I seen in person, and I took science! Was a huge fireball and fir after that. We talked and sat around and ate more and then we burned the plastic cups into pools of liquid plastic but had to stay clear of the smoke from it cuz it is quite toxic. We stayed till about 11:30 at night then we wanted to go. So I got a ride from Josh along with lots of other ppl in his van. I came home and watched a TV show then hit the hay (meaning my bed that is, is stuffed with hay!).
Today I woke up early and did some cleaning that had to be done, then I had a bike day with Justin. We met at Hill Park at one and started our adventure! I wont explain the whole route of things, but we went everywhere all over. When we were really hott and needed a drink we went to the following places that were open that we got a drink from: Bethel, Mountain Citadel, Hill Park, and various parks. So we were quite hydrated and cool. I talked to Josh before I left so Ithought we'd go to his place and say hi. We went there and nobody is home! NOBODY. I should have brought chicken, then he'd come! So with no Downers available, Justin and I helped ourselves to the pool! ^_^ We dunked our heads in it and the sort to cool off. And the best part is, Josh will never know (shows him for not being home! lol) Then we left and went on our way where we went over trails, cornfields, dirt fields, and just all around everywhere. We stopped at 3:30 cuz he had to go t owork, plus it had just started raining a bit so we left each other. I came home in the rain and my legs are like jello like spaghettii. But I like it cuz it always happens ^_^ Well now, that was quite the type-up. I was gonna do something with Melissa this weekend but she cancelled out on me, ouch! Shot down! lol That will saffice for the time being, so long.
P.S If anybody would like to do something, Im all for it. Except stealing little kids candy, doesnt go so well trust me.