The TMI Meme...

Mar 31, 2009 20:06

01. Full name - Aila. We don't have last names in the village.
02. Best friend - Queen

03. Sexuality - I like guys.
04. Favorite color - Sunset colors - those are so pretty!
05. Relationship status - Unhappily single.
06. Ideal mate - Someone who likes the outdoors, likes food, has a good sense of humor and is kind and loving. And they have to love and want children [but that's in the later stages of a relationship].
07. Turn-ons - Being outside, sunsets and laughing.
08. Last sexual experience - ...I've not had one...
09. Favorite food - Cheesy fries and cheesy bread.
10. Crushes - Growing up, I had a major crush on Hugo but I think that kinda grew into us being best friends. Since I've been here, I have a crush on Camus, but we're just friends.
11. Favorite music - I like the music Nei plays in the tavern. She's so good at it!
12. Biggest fear - that the person I give my whole heart to will vanish.

13. Biggest fantasy - ....?

14. Quirks in bed - ...Hugo said once that when I sleep, if I'm in a deep sleep, I drool. *headtilt*
15. Bad habits - ...I sleep all over the bed. Hugo called it 'swimming'.
16. Biggest regret - Not going to Harmonia with Jacques. Why did I let him go alone...?
17. Best kept secrets - My best kept secrets are all things Queen have told me and there's no way I'm spilling those.
18. Last thought - ...this is a silly quiz.
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience - When my parents set me up with that guy in the village who couldn't even kill a blade bunny. Arrrgh!
20. Biggest insecurity - That there isn't anyone out there in this world for me anymore. What if Jacques was my one shot at 'that special someone' and now...?

quiz thingy

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