RP with arrow_feathers

Feb 13, 2008 20:42

Aila: *is wandering around in front of the castle, the day after the whole Mathiu incident and is already headed for Mamie's for a nice cup of hot chocolate*

Hugo: *is bundled up against the cold, taking advantage of having some time to himself. It's one of the first times he has been able to get away from Stallion's watchful gaze*

Aila: *spots the shock of Karayan blonde hair and lets out a very audible *squeeee!* as she hurriedly walks towards him and throws her arms around him* *SQUEEEEEEEEE!* *HUGHUGHUG!*

Hugo: *hears the squee, but can't react in time. Aila plows him over and he tumbles to the ground in a heap with her* Aila?

Aila: HugoHugoHugo! *continues hugging* I'm so glad to see you and so much is going on even though there was bad stuff there's so much good stuff and I have to tell you and you've been away so long and I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE HERE! *continues hugging!*

Hugo: *hugs Aila back* I wasn't gone that long, was I?

Aila: *leans back from him, her smile a mile wide* Long enough! I missed my best friend!

Hugo: *laughs, and slowly starts to extricate his limbs from the jumble* So, when I first came back you said you were going to write me a letter because you had a lot ot tell me?

Aila: I know, I know but things got so busy here...and besides, the things I want to tell you, they're better telling you in person than in some letter, anyway. *slowly begins to get up, parts of her still sore from the Luca battle* That, and maybe it's better that I tell you before Mema tells you...*grins*

Hugo: *notices Aila getting up slowly,and offers her a hand.* Are you okay?

Aila: I snuck out of the infirmary again. I'm a little sore still but if I lay there in the infirmary with all of the other sick people, I'll just convince myself that I'm still sick, and that's not how I want to feel all the time. *takes his hand and gets up slowly, still smiling*

Hugo: I'll have to pretend that I didn't see you outside of the infirmary then.

Aila: Mathiu will understand. Besides...*hophophop!* Come on, let's get cheesy bread! There's so much I have to catch you up on!

Hugo: *nods, and lets Aila lead the way* Mema didn't say anything to me when I was back at the VIllage.

Aila: Because I asked her to not tell you before I had a chance to. And I'm surprised she didn't let the cat out of the bag!

Hugo: Maybe because I was so busy trying to set up things with the Elf Village?

Aila: *nods* I know you were busy, and...*pauses*...like I said, I missed you.

Hugo: I missed you too.

Aila: And speaking of missing things, did you miss the cheesy bread? *grins*

Hugo: Did I ever!

Aila: Let's go let's go! We can talk more inside. *yoink!*

Hugo: *is yoinked, but doesn't protest because he's happy to be out of the cold*

Aila: *is practically hopping in anticipation at telling Hugo the news and waits until they've both ordered food to start to tell him* Okay, so you're probably wondering why I'm all excited and can barely keep still - I've got some seriously happy news to tell you.

Hugo: So tell me already! *leans forward in anticipation*

Aila: Jacques and I are going to get married!

Hugo: *jaw drops slightly as he takes in this news* !!! *it's only a momentary silence though* That's great news, Aila!

Aila: *nodsnods* And I couldn't wait for you to get back so that I could tell you!

Hugo: I can't believe Mema didn't spill the beans!

Aila: *chuckling* I can't believe she didn't, either. I actually [did] think that she'd slip up and tell you before I got a chance to.

Hugo: *Can't restrain himself anymore, and gets up and gives Aila a huge hug*

Aila: *hugs Hugo back, glad for it since she's not done it in such a long time* So now I have all this planning to do - bridesmaids and dresses and what colors and when it's going to be and...*stops just long enough to notice that their orders of cheesy bread are on the way*

Hugo: *blank stare as soon as Aila starts talking about dresses and bridesmaids and colours* Oooh! Cheesy bread!

Aila: Ooh! *watches as the plate is set down and begins eating, even though it's still a little hot* But the first thing I want to do is pick out a date.

Hugo: *dives in, ignoring the pizza-like burn he gets on the top of his mouth* 'ow 'hat's mor' wor' .... than when Stallion and I became life mates.

Aila: *pauses for a moment to wave her hand in front of her mouth as if to cool it* Well, Queen always told me that it's one of the most important days in a woman's life, and that it should be a day to remember. That, and Queen's wedding was sooooo beautiful last year!

Hugo: Speaking of Jacques, where has he been? It's been a long while since I've seen him.

Aila: He's been travelling back and forth between here and Harmonia, tying up some loose ends with his family. His father passed away a while back and there's a lot of things to be sorted out.

Hugo: Oh. *serious look* I'm sorry to hear that.

Aila: I guess it got him to thinking about how short life is and that we should make every moment of it count. I..I always knew this would happen, but now that it's actually happening, there's so much to do and think about and...*munches on cheesy bread to keep herself from rambling*

Hugo: *thinks that he really dodged a bullet what with the whole lifemating ceremony being a lot more lowkey* I'm pretty sure that if you asked Cecile for help with planning, she'd be more than happy to. You could at least bounce ideas off of her while she's still in the infirmary, healing.

Aila: How did you know I was going to go see her after I finished talking to you? *raises an eyebrow and smiles*

Hugo: *shrugs* Lucky guess?

Aila: *orders another glass of soda and grins* So how are things with you and Stallion?

Hugo: *sighs* If I got a chance to spend some time with him the past couple of days, it'd be better. But he's been really busy making deliveries, and by the time he's done he passes out until he has to get up to start the next day ....

Aila: It's been busy all around, but now that things seem to be getting back to normal, hopefully things will quiet down, you think?

Hugo: After Valentine's Day, yeah. *brightens* But other than that, things have been good. [Really] good.

Aila: I'm glad to hear! *reaches for more cheesy bread only to realize that there isn't any more and blinks* Whoa...we ate it that fast...? *sheepish grin*

Hugo: *laughs* It has been awhile since I got to have cheesy bread!

Aila: *teasingly* Are you sure you didn't just swallow it all whole? *giggle*

Hugo: *blushes slightly at the teasing* I think you swallowed a good portion of it whole too!

Aila: It's been a while since I've had cheesy bread too. Doesn't taste the same if you're not around to share it with. Did I mention I'm happy you're back? *squee!*

Hugo: *laughs* You might have!

Aila: Just making sure you know! *orders more cheesy bread*

Hugo: I'm glad to be back too. I missed you guys.


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