RP with arrow_feathers

Mar 09, 2007 00:11

Hugo: *knocks on AIla's door tentatively*

Aila:  *shuffleshuffle*  Be right there~~~....*door opens a crack*  Hugo!  Hey...how's it going?

Hugo: *grins* Good.  You want to grab some cheesy bread?

Aila:  Wow, with so much going on I haven't even eaten anything in a while!   I could use the food.

Hugo: Then let's go! *grabs Aila and marches in the direction of the cafe!*

Aila:  *marchyoink!*

Hugo: *very determined, and doesn't realize he is yanking Aila along.*

Aila:  *trying to keep up*  In a hurry much?

Hugo: *stops suddenly* Oh! Sorry Aila!

Aila:  *chuckles*  It's okay - you gotta be pretty hungry to be moving [that] fast!

Hugo: *opens his mouth to answer, but then his stomach grumbles and answers for him*

Aila:  *giggles, until her stomach makes the same noise, at which point she just looks up at Hugo and starts giggling even harder*

Hugo: *starts chuckling until he hears AIla's stomach, then he is full out laughing!*  Oh Aila!

Aila:  *in between giggles*  I think..I'm just as hungry...as you are!

Hugo: Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Aila:  *wanders inside with Hugo and sits down at the table*  You're a little more enthusiastic than usual...what's going on?

Hugo: *sits down* I'm heading back to Karaya for a bit to check up on Kayan and the other kids we rescued.  See how they are doing and all that.

Aila:  Awww!  I was wondering how they were doing.  I don't guess Jacques saw any of them when he stopped in the village - he spent most of his time helping take care of Mema.  I wanted to go back, but I don't think we'll get back there for another couple of weeks.

Hugo: Taking care of Mema? What for?

Aila:  She had gotten sick - that was part of the reason it took Jacques so long to come back from Caleria.  He stayed in the village to help out with Mema.

Hugo: I hadn't realized.  I'll make sure to check on her when I'm back there.

Aila:  She's probably up and around and I'll bet you 10 potch she asks you about me and Jacques.  *chuckle*  She talked his ear off when he was there.

Hugo: I"m not taking that bet because I know you are right!  What should I tell her - *teasingly* you and Jacques have run off to the Islands Nations?

Aila:  *grinning*  You know, we could plan a trip there if Bernadette plans to go back there later this year...I've never been to the Island Nations and she always makes it sound so nice!

Hugo: It sounds like the kind of place where there wouldn't be any snow.

Aila:  And lots of sun!

Hugo: *orders cheesy bread from passing waitress*

Aila:  *catches the waitress and orders a soda to go with the cheesy bread*  So how long do you think you'll be staying?

Hugo: Two weeks, I think.  I don't want to be away for too long.

Aila:  If Mema gets a hold of you and starts asking questions, you'll be there a week extra.  I'm just warning you.  *grin*

Hugo: *chuckles*

Hugo: I couldn't imagine Mema taking any less time to get information from me.

Aila:  It'll be good for you to get back there, though.  It's been a while since you had been back.  Hopefully you'll get back before Jacques and I leave for the Nameless Lands again.

Hugo: I hope so.  I can bring you news of Mema and Kayan and all that.

Aila:  Sweet deal!

Aila:  *thanks the waitperson as they set down the cheesy bread*

Hugo: *digs in*

Aila:  *picks up a piece and nibbles on it*  I finally finished talking to Nash, earlier.

Hugo: *stops with cheesy bread in mid air* How did that go?

Aila:  A lot less painful than I imagined...he seems truly sorry about the whole thing.

Hugo: Mmm hmm.

Aila:  He wants me to forgive him, but I pointed out that you can't even really have a friendship without trust.  Stuff like that isn't easy to forgive for me.

Hugo: *nods*

Aila:  So maybe down the road, it could happen, just not right now.

Aila:  It's all too close to the surface.

Hugo: At least you got to air things out with him.  *makes a face* I never liked him that much though.

Aila:  He really is sweet once you get to know...*stops herself*...I think he would be really sweet [if] he let people get to know him.  I just wasn't that person, that's all.

Hugo: *rests his hand on Aila's*

Aila:  It's okay, and I'm okay.  Really.  I'm not angry anymore, and I wish him nothing but the best.

Hugo: *goes back to eating his cheesy bread*

Aila:  *munches on her bread throughtfully and washes it down with coke*

Hugo: Aila ... *nervous* can I ask you something?

Aila:  Go for it.  *munch*

Hugo: Stallion ... asked me to be his lifemate.  But he also wants us to get the blessings of both our villages.  .... How do you think the Village will react?

Aila:  *ponders that*  It might be a little iffy with some in the Village just for the fact that a lot of people have never left the village and seen the things we've seen.  Some closed minds might be difficult to open.

Hugo: *nods, thinking this over*

Aila:  I'm sure that you could win them over, though.

Hugo: I don't care what the village thinks, but Stallion does.

Aila:  I know how other people might take it, but I'm hopeful that once people see how happy he makes you and how good he is for you, their objections will melt away.  Love is where you find it and we should all get together to celebrate that.  And if people don't see it that way, I think it's their loss.

Hugo: Thanks, Aila.

Aila:  No problem.  More cheesy bread?

Hugo: Yeah!


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