RP with black_jacques

Oct 26, 2006 17:50

Jacques: *lying on his stomach sunbathing*

Aila: *is heading for her...well, actually [Juan's] usual spot when something bright catches her eye...she wanders a little closer and sees a headband and blonde hair and realizes who it is...* Um...Jacques? *she tilts her head, wondering what he's doing out in the sun...*

Jacques: *Looks up, Aila's head blocking the like of the sun from hitting his eyes* Aila?

Aila: *notices that he's topless and gasps softly because she's never seen him topless before and she's not sure whether to look or not look but she looks because she's got not much other choice*...um...Hi. *still blushing*

Jacques: *raises a brow, wondering why she's so nervous* Hey. *looks flustered about something*

Aila: *trying to regain some sense of normalcy*...ahh...whatcha doin? *tries not to look at his chest and fails*

Jacques: *sits up, still wondering why she's acting so strangely* Trying to figure who broke into my room.

Aila: Someone broke into your room? Was anything taken?

Jacques: Just one of my spare sweaters. I found it ripped up on the floor. *looks aggrevated* And it's not so much that they ripped my sweater. It's they fact that they broke into my room

Aila: Heavens. Not even [I] know where your room is. *sits down with the basket of food and leans on it slightly to listen to him*

Jacques: *looks out into the lake, seeming to have calmed down just as quickly as he had gotten angry* Well I'm only using it to keep my things in there and for when the rainy season comes around...

Aila: Ahh. *watches him, curiously* Well, maybe you should tell Cecile next time you see her and I'm sure that she could find whomever did it. Or even better yet - Kidd. That's something Kidd would love to do - stake out your room to see who messed up your sweater.

Jacques: *grows quiet, contempleting* Yeah maybe... I'll see...

Aila: *watches him for a moment, then looks out over the water* Hey...are you hungry?

Jacques: *snaps back to reality, looking a bit timid* Mmh... a little...

Aila: I brought some sandwiches and...*looks in the basket* lemonade if you want some?

Jacques: *smiles faintly* That sounds good... Did you come here to eat by yourself?

Aila: Well...more often than not, I come out here just to hang out and get enough sun - I usually pack enough food for myself and anyone that happens to wander by. Usually that's Juan because I'm always in his spot. *chuckle*

Jacques: Heh. I'm surprised he hasn't beaten you away. Doesn't he usually take his naps around this time?

Aila: Yeah. More often than not he just naps out a little ways over from his usual spot if I'm already there. But since I'm [here], I guess he can have his spot today. *smile*

Jacques: Heh. *takes a bite of his sandwich*. Is this peanut butter and jelly?

Aila: *nodsnods* I've got that, and ham with swiss and turkey with swiss. *takes out one of the turkey sandwiches, checks for tomatoes, sees none, and takes a bite*

Jacques: *munches and doesn't realize he's speaking with his mouth full* Dun like thomathos...

Aila: Me neither. They're too squishy to be in a sandwich.

Jacques: *realizes he sounds like a pig and finishes what he has in his mouth before he speaks*... Yeah. But I love PB&J.

Aila: *looks over at him and smiles, pointing to a little jelly on his chin* You love it so much to wear it? *giggle*

Jacques: *turns beet red and wipes his chin*

Jacques: *mumbles* Sorry... I haven't had a PB&J sandwich in ages...

Aila: I think it's...*stops herself, realizing what she's about to say*...um...you know, I have a napkin for that - you didn't have to just [wipe] it off like that...

Jacques: Heh. Y'know... I'd eat a PB&J any day over all those strange foods Mamie cooks up.

Jacques: *realizes that he spoke what he was thinking* Ahh... don't tell her I said that...

Aila: I won't. *finishes her sandwich* So...where've you been hiding yourself?

Jacques: *takes a drink of lemonade* You mean... before I came back to Budehuc?

Aila: Yeah. You had been gone for a while, you know.

Jacques: *gaze becomes downcasted* Yeah I know. I wrote you guys all the time but never got any replies.

Jacques: *looks off to the side avoiding Aila's eyes* That's why I wasn't sure if I should come back...

Aila: I only came back recently..I spent time with the 14th before I ditched them in Caleria and came here.

Jacques: *raises a brow* The 14th?

Aila: Yeah...somewhere along the line the paperwork got messed up. *sighs*

Jacques: *supresses a laugh* How were they? Not as interesting as us I hope? *smiles faintly*

Aila: They were interesting...just in different ways, I guess. Nicolas was pretty nice, and Gau reminded me of the Captain in a way. Duke and Elaine, however...*shakes her head*

Jacques: *really laughs this time* I can imagine...

Jacques: *looks up at the clear sky* So... mm... you dressing up this year?

Aila: For what? *headtilt*

Jacques: Holloween.

Aila: People dress up? *blinks*

Jacques: *laughs looking emberassed* That's right... I forgot. They did back in the city I stayed in last year.

Aila: Ahh. So does this mean that I have to find something else nice to wear? I do have my maid of honor dress from last week...*thinks*

Jacques: *smirks* Well... actually this kind of dressing up is a bit different. *looks over at a curious Aila* The point is to be as scary as possible.

Aila: Scary? How come? *looks for a bottle of lemonade in the basket while she listens*

Jacques: *ponders*... You know... I'm not quite sure. People do the strangest things... *shakes his head*

Aila: *finds the pink lemonade, opens it, and takes a sip* I agree. Out in the Village, we had a Harvest Celebration, but dressing up and being scary doesn't sound anything like [that] at all.

Jacques: *nods slightly* That kind of celebration I can be a part of...

Aila: I haven't even asked if Hugo was going to go but...*remembers Hugo's condition and blushes*...I doubt he'll want to go this year.

Jacques: *looks over at her* Oh? Is he busy? I heard Fubar had chicks...

Aila: *nods* He had two, Hugo said. But some adventurers tried to get at them and Hugo and Fubar fought them off. The mage...you [so] have to keep this quiet...*looks around*...before Fubar knocked the mage over the cliff, the mage turned Hugo into a girl. *sighs*

Jacques: *eyebrowtwitches and is speechless*

Jacques: ... I... thought that was one of his relatives that I saw at the wedding...

Aila: Hugo's more than a little embarassed by this...he's looking for someone to try to help him reverse the condition.

Jacques: Hm... *thinks* Well... I was never very good at magic. *looks over at Aila* But you weren't bad if I remember correctly... That Earth Rune of yours saved us from some sticky situations *smiling with nostalgia*

Aila: *blushes* Yeah...I've not had much of a chance to use it lately, though.

Jacques: Yeah... I've been trying to practice with my bowgun... It had been a while since I even carried it around...

Aila: You know, Juan's got some new targets at the dojo - we could practice there.

Jacques: *smiles faintly* Really? It's been forever since we trained together...

Aila: That's true. We should get together with Stallion - he's an archer too.

Jacques: Hmm... Stallion? I don't think I've met him but it should be interesting.

Aila: Oh, he's lots of fun. He asked me who you were the other day - I think he saw us all talking at the wedding.

Jacques: Did he? Well then we definitely have to do that. I wonder if that man Kinnison would like to join us as well...

Aila: Kinnison?

Jacques: He's an archer as well. I met him when I came back to the castle

Aila: Ahh, okay. *drinks some more of her lemonade* I might have seen him around and just not known who he was.

Jacques: *goes quiet as he finishes off his lemonade*

Aila: You never did answer my question, you know. *looks over at him*

Jacques: *looks up, slightly startled* Hm?

Aila: Where all did you go?

Jacques: Oh... *knows he can't evade the question* I... left with Jess's brother, Julius. We went to Harmonia...

Aila: Oh? *listens*

Jacques: *looks emberassed as his voice gets quieter* It... It was a stupid decision. *struggles to say it* I didn't know what I wanted... I... still don't know what I want...

Aila: I think at our ages, we're not supposed to. *smiles slightly*

Jacques: Yeah... I guess you're right...

Aila: Besides, it's nice to have someplace to come back to so you can pick yourself up and start over, right? That's...at least that's why I came back.

Jacques: *looks up at her with curiousity* Yes... that true.

Jacques: So... you haven't been lucky either then?

Aila: *blushes at the way he asked, but more so for the fact that he asked at all* I..um...no, not really.

Jacques: *smiles a bit as he looks out into the lake once more* Ace always said love was pain...

Aila; In Ace's case, it was more like a pain in his [wallet]. *chuckle*

Jacques: *nearly chokes as he tries not to laugh out loud*

Aila: You were there when he gave up a month's salary to buy Elaine that gift and she tossed it back at him, right?

Jacques: *smirks* Yeah... that was pretty emberassing for all of us...

Aila: Yeah...poor Ace. But if I have to associate pain with love, I'd like it to be the good kind of pain.

Jacques: *does a double take* D-Do you mean what I think you mean?!

Aila: *blinks at Jacques' surprised look and quickly shakes her head* Nonononono! I mean...*is almost dying of embarassment because she's actually felt this way before and is trying to describe it* Good pain, like you feel like you're just going to explode from happiness pain. *fails*

Jacques: *looks relieved* Ohh...

Jacques: *face goes serious as he thinks hard* I... don't think I've ever felt [that] kind of pain before...

Aila: I have...once...

Jacques: Hm... it definitely sounds... *can't find the right word* strange...

Aila: That's pretty much how it feels. Strange. But a happy strange.

Jacques: Hm...

Aila: I don't doubt I'll fall in love again. But I'd like to think that I've learned some things. I guess that's why we have bad experiences, so we can get something good out of it.

Jacques: *face grows grave* ....

Jacques: *turns to her* Do you really think that true...?

Aila: *looks at him, equally as seriously* I do.

Jacques: *smiles faintly as he looks back towards the sparkling water* Well... then the good things should be coming to us right about now right? *turns to her with a sincere and rare smile*

Aila: Well, you coming back here is a good thing, I think. *is a little shocked at how bold she is by saying that but is doing her best to not let things go unsaid anymore*

Jacques: *looks away a little emberassed* Thanks, Aila. I appreciate it...

Aila: No problem. *watches a few birds skim across the surface of the lake*

Jacques: *enjoys the kind of silence that falls over two good friends*


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