RP with wyld_stallion

Oct 25, 2006 13:55

Stallion: Who's Jacques?

Aila: Jacques is my comrade from the 12th. He's been away for quite a while, so I was happy to run into him before Queen's wedding got started.

Stallion: What does he do?

Aila: He's an archer, just like us. He uses a bowgun.

Stallion: .......really? Although...I'm not much of an archer now.

Aila: *tilts her head* Is your arm doing any better? I was looking forward to helping you get it back into shape.

Stallion: Well, I think I've finally gotten back to what I weighed before. I guess I need strength training. But even though the nerve's better, sometimes it will randomly give me grief. *softer* I don't tell Hugo that. He's got enough to worry about. I guess it's something I'll have to live with.

Aila: Strength training sounds like a good idea. At least build up a little more muscle so that you can draw the bow back.

Stallion: Can you help me with that? I know I feel almost restless enough to really try and run, but I wanted to wait until Hugo was back to himself.

Aila: I can do that. I think Juan might have a set of small weights that you can pick up repeatedly, but I'll have to check with him first - I've been helping him move things around there and he might have moved them since I last saw them.

Stallion: That's good! I need to get back into shape. And I must be almost there if I don't feel afraid to try and run again.

Aila: I'm surprised that you're not a lot more...um...antsy? I can't wait to see you run again.

Stallion: Well, I am calmer because I'm NOT running. That will change once I do again. It gives me a lot of adrenaline and it's fueled by my rune.

Aila: Have you adjusted to being calmer?

Stallion: I think I have. I'll have to change again once my energy is back where it was.

Aila: You'll do fine. Just you wait and see. ^_^

Stallion: Thanks. *brightens*

Stallion: Can...I ask you something?

Aila: Sure!

Stallion: Do you...I mean...you're a fellow Karayan. You don't mind that I'm with Hugo, do you?

Aila: Not at all. I'm happy that he's happy...Spirits, I'm happy that he's managed to stay still and actually let himself fall in love.

Stallion: ....he was fidgety about that kind of thing?

Aila: *chuckles* As long as I've known him, he's been fidgety about [everything]. "When's dinner?" "We going hunting today?" "How much longer is this ceremony?" *she giggles, remembering LIttle!Hugo and how he couldn't seem to keep still*

Stallion: That's frightening. He sounds like me when I was little.

Aila: I guess then that's why you two are so perfect for one another - you're very much alike.

Stallion: ....I think...I think he wants to be with me for a long time. Like, as long as I live time. It's...a lot to wrap my mind around.

Aila: It's a long time. But...I think if you know what you feel, then maybe you should see where that goes - life is too short not to try, you know?

Stallion: I have to tell him some things that are changing about my life here. Things my king wants me to be and do. Maybe if he agrees to them....then...*not actually SAYING anything mind you, but it's probably enough to get Aila's fangirl senses squealing*

Aila: Ohhh...sounds like you have some really important things you have to think about.

Stallion: *nods* I want Hugo to be himself again before I ask him some important things.

Aila: *tilts her head* Hugo is pretty much himself, except...well...*blushes, wondering how to politely explain this to Stallion*...well, except that he's a girl and he's got these insane chocolate cravings. *chuckles softly*

Stallion: He did say he was heartily tired of the experience and wanted to be able to use the bathroom standing up again.

Aila: *blushes and giggles* I don't see what the great thing about going standing up is.

Stallion: It's the best thing there IS.

Aila: If it was, then wouldn't everyone do it?

Stallion: Well, guys can do it EASIER.

Aila: It's just as easy to sit there.

Stallion: Pfffff.

Aila: Well, can you read a book standing there? Hmm?

Stallion: ...uh, no, I'm kind of BUSY with something.

Aila: So what's the big deal about standing up if you're busy with something? If you're sitting, you're not busy at all, you're just...sitting. Or you could read a book or something. Sitting, therefore, is much better than standing. *nods*

Stallion: ....I think we've gone off track somewhere.

Aila: You brought up Hugo not liking sitting down. *is trying not to giggle*

Stallion: ....oh yeah. *laughs*


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