(no subject)

Jul 14, 2010 16:44

Stolen from Brigid.  Thanks!!  :D  This was fun.

1) How long have you been a Beatles fan?
Since december or January of this year.  So I'm technically still a noob.  :P

2) How did you discover The Beatles?
Okay, well there's sort of two ways it happened.  One was that my one good friend got a boyfriend, and he had this super hot friend who was really into the Beatles.  So, we wanted to hook me and him up so we could all go on double dates you know?  So i knew a few songs, but then went out to try and get more so i wouldn't be a loser and we'd have something to talk about when we met.  AND THEN.  My one other good friend made me these CDs that were all Beatles because my sister wanted them, and then i realized that they were actually a really awesome band.  These two things happened simultaniously but weren't connected, so I think it was the fates that brought me to The Beatles.  :D  In case anyone was wondering, doing all that for that boy was a waste of time.  He didn't like me.  Not even a little.

3) Which “era” (early, mid, or late) do you prefer?
     Visually?   '64-66.  because that was when their hair started getting a bit longer, and they looked yummy wth the more messed up moptop. 
     Musically? Hm...I think after '63 onwards.  haha, i know that's a copout, but i don't really care.   
     Generally? Help!  Rubber Soul and Revolver time period.  Because they were hot, and their music was more sophisticated but not creepy yet.

4) Which album(s) is your favorite?
Don’t you know you should never ask a Beatle fan that?? :P It’s second to “what’s your favorite song?” Gah. I can’t choose. But I always like Help! And I like every single song on it. Others I find a couple songs that aren’t really my favorite, but Help! Is always a winner. :D So I guess that could be considered my favorite, even though I like them all.

5) Which album(s) is your least favorite?
Um. Let me get back to you on that.

6) What are your top 10 Beatles songs?
Wow, this sucks. Let me see if I can do this.

1) Blackbird

2) In My Life

3) I Need You

4) Mother Nature’s Son

5) I Will

6) Do You Want to Know a Secret

7) Nowhere Man

8) While My Guitar Gently Weeps (acoustic version, I actually don’t like the one on the White Album)

9) Two of Us

10) Octopus’s Garden (it never fails to cheer me up)

Well. That was way too hard. And took way too much time. But normally the last five change daily. It’s ridiculous.

7) Are there any Beatles songs you really don’t like?
The only one is really Revolution 9. It’s nonsense. Other than that, no.

8) What are your views on each of the Beatles films?
     A Hard Day’s Night: LOVE IT. It was the first Beatle movie I saw, and I was grinning the whole damn time. Very witty and charming (and hot, I might add)

Help!: Is also the BOMB. Second Beatle film I’d seen. (right after AHDN too, haha) and I loved it equally as much as the first one. The cracktastic humor is great, and I love how it’s in color too. That makes it so much better. The music in it is great as well. :D I love watching them be all silly.

MMT: I didn’t understand this movie. And I feel bad saying it but it was kind of boring too. I gave it a chance, but just…eh. But I do love the music in it though.

Yellow Submarine: Hahahahahahah. I love this movie. It’s so weird and trippy-like. I watched it all in one go night. And it was REALLY late, and I was stuck staring at the screen at four in the morning wondering if I’d just lost my mind. But yeah, it’s great. :D

Let it Be: Personally I love it. Although it makes me sad when I watch it because they’re breaking up before my eyes. But I love the bitchyness and the angst and shit that goes on in this movie. It’s GOLD.

9) Do you have a favorite Beatle?
Hah, another bad question to ask. Well…I have phases where I like one of them more than the other for the time being, but honestly, I can’t choose. I’ll be like, “George, no Paul…wait, but I like Ringo and John too…” The way I see it is that they’re four parts of one completely amazing person. You can’t have one without the other three. So I just say they’re all my favorite. :D

10) What’s your favorite solo John song?
Hm. Well. I’m going to say Jealous Guy. It’s so full of emotion and I love the bass line and the way he sings it. Especially the line “I was feeling insecure. You might not love me anymore.” Oh John, I love you. Imagine comes in at a close second though.

11) Solo Paul song?
Jet. Because it’s catchy and amazing and just…Paul rocks.

12) Solo George song?
OOOH . This is a toughie. It’s a tie between Wah-Wah and My Sweet Lord.

13) Solo Ringo song?
Never Without You. Not a huge fan of Ringo’s solo work though, but I like a couple songs.

14) How do you feel about Yoko?
I think she was very strong woman, but incredibly manipulative. I don’t particularly like what she did to John, but that’s partially John’s fault for letting him control her. I think that she was intrusive and annoying, and the rest of the Beatles had plenty of good reasons not to like her. John went about the whole situation the totally wrong way by bringing her into the studio and insisting that they become JohnandYoko, but whatever. I think he was also a huge douche while he was with her, and that’s her fault as well for making him alienate himself from the rest of his BFFs. But you know, he loved her, blah blah blah. Sure, you can love someone but not be a cockbag at the same time. Jeez. I do think she was a definite contributing factor to why the Beatles broke up, but not the core cause. So yeah. Sorry about the essay there.

15) How do you feel about Beatles slash?
I friggin’ love it. I mean, I don’t honestly think they had physical relationships with one another (though John and Paul might have) but it’s fun to take their already close relationships that much further. And I’ll jump on the OTP bandwagon, while I’m here. J/P is my all time favorite pairing, but G/R comes at a CLOSE second. They both offer different elements and whatnot, so it all depends on what mood I’m in. :D

16) How do you feel about John’s relationship with Brian?
Oh, I don’t know. Cyn denies that anything happened in her book, but I can’t be sure. I think John probably did something with him to experiment, but there was probably no relationship there. Poor Brian though, ‘cause he was a nice guy.

17) Is there more to your love of the Beatles than just their music?
Well their looks. DUH. Haha, jk though. I think they were really down to earth guys who tried their best to make good music. Also I adore the relationship they had with each other. I can’t even fathom what it would be like to be that emotionally close with someone, much less three people. So their personalities too. They were really witty and clever, which I enjoy.

18) Are the Beatles actually the greatest band in the history of music? Are they your favorite?
The Beatles are my favorite band, but I have many other bands that I really love too. Like MCR for one, and Death Cab for Cutie, Boston, Blue Oyster Cult, all that jazz. Hm. Greatest band in the history of music? Maybe. They did something legendary that I don’t think can ever be repeated by any other band. They also influenced music and were very revolutionary with their ideas. So I think they’re pretty damn important.

19) Tell us one unusual/controversial opinion you have on the Beatles.

OH, here we go. I think John’s a huge hypocrite. *shrugs* I know he wanted peace and love and all that, but COME ON. You couldn’t even fucking divorce your wife properly, and you lied and cheated on her. I think he did honestly believe in peace for the world, but I think he was only doing it to relieve his own conscious.

20) Tell us one of your favorite Beatle moments.
Heh, the story where Paul is introducing George to some of his friends, and he turns his back for a second and all of a sudden one of the guys was on the ground. George head butted him. His reason that he told Paul? “He wasn’t worthy of your friendship.” HOW FUCKING CUTE IS THAT?? It makes me giggle and “awww” every time. :D

21) Name your favorite song from each album:
     Please Please Me: Do You Want to Know a Secret
     With the Beatles: Please Mister Postman
     A Hard Day’s Night: If I Fell
Beatles for Sale: I’ll Follow the Sun
     Help!: I Need You
     Rubber Soul: In My Life, no contest. 
     Revolver: Here, There, and Everywhere
     Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band: A Day in the Life
Magical Mystery Tour: The Fool on the Hill
     The White Album: GOD. This one is hard.  Shit. Um. I guess I’ll say Blackbird. 
     Yellow Submarine: Hey Bulldog
     Abbey Road: Something
     Let it Be: Two of Us

22) Post your favorite group picture, slashy picture (if that’s your bag), John pic, Paul pic, George pic, and Ringo pic.

Lets see if I can do this.


I know it's simple, but here are my reasons.  George's turnip top hair.  And how you can see the height difference REALLY well between Ringo and the rest of them, and it makes me want to huggle him.  Plus I like all of their hair here.  :)


Hee.  I love this pic.


*Sigh*  absolutely gorgeous.




So I cheated I think.  I wanted one from '66 because that's when he was hottest, but I couldn't find any good ones.  So I screencapped this from the Rain video because he's breathtaking throughout that whole thing.  I kind of like the way his hair goes around his ears.  :D  SO CUTE.  And hot.  And soulful and stoic and GORGEOUS.  That's beauty right there people.  :P


  OH RINGO I LOVE YOU.  I wanted one of him smiling but I like this better.  So serious.  :D

So that took the better part of two hours.  Whatever.

meme, the beatles

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