They say it's your birthday....

Apr 13, 2010 21:27

Why yes.  Yes it is.

Except it's tomorrow.  So no then, not really.  But it's CLOSE.  I've consdiered myself 16 for like 2 whole months now, so it's basically the same thing.

Buuut I felt like posting something (though I'm not sure it will really matter, I think I'm friends with like 2 most.  Yeah I'm lazy and didn't bother to friend people, don't judge me.)  because I have this stupid satire to write for Journalism class and I REALLY don't feel  like doing it.  Yeah.  And it's 9 at night and I haven't done any homework  yet and I've got 5 chapters of Jane Eyre to read and some math to do....I'm going to be in deep shit later.  Whatever.

SO.  I know already what I'm getting for my birthday (drumroll PLEASE)


THE BEATLES ANTHOLOGY!!!!!!!!!!       *cheers*  YES.  That like 600 page MONSTER that has EVERYTHING there is to know EVER about the Beatles.  And sure, maybe that's not a huge deal to some of you because you already have that and are all like "PSH old news"  but I'm like "WOAH NEW news!!"

How do I know about this present already?  Okay, I looked.  But can you blame me?  That book is monsterous and I could freaking SEE it under my sister's bed just WAITING to be looked at.  And HOLY crap is it AWESOME.  I didn't read anything yet, because I wanted to have some sort of surprise left, but the pictures look absolutey epic.  I am SO excited.  I feel like this will finally mean that I'm a LEGIT Beatles fan.  :D

On a side note, I've realized that I will NOT be getting the laptop I wanted for my birthday, my dad's excuse being something like, "Well I didn't KNOW Diana, you didn't tell me you wanted one!!"  Yeah Dad, seven times wasn't enough?  Sorry I didn't tell you seven hundred.

Soooo that's a HUGE letdown.  But I suppose I'll live and maybe I'll get a laptop for my 17th birthday or something.  Meh.

Uh, but I'm excited!!  I'm not having a party though, because my really inconsiderate friend decided that she wanted to have it right on the weekend I was going to have it, so I had to cancel MINE.  How is that fair????  Yeah.  It's not.

On another side note, I've become incredibly obsessed with Ringo.  When did that happen?  OH YEAH.  I joined equaltothelove  and it spiraled out of control.  He's adorable though.  If I ever learn how to post pics I might post some.  Next thing I know I'll be writing Paul/Ringo fics.  Don't blame me.

Okay, I think I've rambled enough, and that stupid satire is STILL staring me in the face.

Damn thing. 

random musings

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