More Random Shit

Aug 04, 2010 19:40

Beatles for Sale came today!!!  Woo!!

I bought both Beatles for Sale and With the Beatles because I payed off my $220 debt to the Paul concert in like...2 months.  Which is impressive.  I thought I was going to be paying that off until December.  So I bought those two albums because I wanted to reward myself for being a bamf.  :P

I still can't believe i'm going to see Paul McCartney in the flesh.  It hasn't sunk in yet.

I'm listening to it now and Honey Don't just ended.  I love Ringo.  He's so awesome.  Did anyone notice that he's the only one who ever acknowledges George's guitar solos?  He does it in this song and also in Boys.  And I think it's so cute.  <3 Ringo.  :D

My fic is going slowly.  Gah.  I don't know, I'm just having a lot of trouble writing the next part.  But I think I can do it.  I just have to keep going bit by bit.  So I'm thinking update maybe by Sunday the latest.  I WILL finish this fic if it kills me.

On a side note, why do all the people I like always like someone else?  Seriously.  Every damn time it happens to me.  And now there's nothing I can do.  I'm left out in the dust again.  Fuck.  I shouldn't let people mean so much to me, but it happens every time.  Depression FUCK YOU.

Oh well.

I guess that's it for today. 

ringo starr, random musings, depressed, the beatles

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