Aug 09, 2005 21:34
WELLL here it is,
Summer has come to an end and it was a very good one. Thank all of you who made my summer super tubular!! Well i can't believe i'm saying this but it's a school night. WOW. Yea i think tomorrow and the next four years are gonna rock. At least that's what i have heard. Well 10 of this summers high lights are
1. Dave Matthews Band Concert, (hangin with my dad, he really is my hero, he's such an awesome man of God and i could only pray to be half as amazing as he is.)(also spending a lot of time with my mom while my dad was gone, she's the best mom anyone could ever ask for, the most godly women i know.)
2. Beach with Jared and Jordan
3. Hangin with my best friend Shane Brogdon doin lord knows what....
4. Being blessed to date Casey Edmunds, kinda went down hill but that's ok
5. Stayin up till 6:45 in the morning with Jared, Jordan, and John Blakey, which also happened last night.
6. BH JAM, it was awesome
7. Hangin out with Tyler Bolton,not only my next door neighbor, but one of my best friends
8. Learing about true friends and how important they will be as we enter high school, and becoming closer and getting to know different and even new people.
9.Student Life Camp, I was forever changed from this camp, I'm not saying i will ever be perfect but it inspired me to try harder to be.
10. Hangin with all my awesome friends that have made this summer one of the best.
Well since it's a school night i guess i'm gonna go and not be on too late. Thanks again for all u awesome people that made this summer rock, can't wait to see all of u that i haven't really seen this summer, I MISS YALL, well In Christ and Godbless
Seth Daniel
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