youtube videos of police attacking peaceful protesters

Apr 03, 2009 22:34 footage shot from just above Bishopgate, looking down on riot police charging, hitting and trampling crowds. NB this guardian video doesn't distinguish between the crowd at Bank (which was generally more rowdy, and which was also where RBS was broken into) and Bishopgate Climate Camp which was a peaceful occupation of the street which had been planned months in advance by a group dedicated to non-violent action. ground level Bishopgate

Notice that all these videos were shot during daylight, which, if the sun set at roughly 7.30pm on Wednesday 1st of April, means that they only cover up until about that time. Guardian video only covers the afternoon because their reporters went home early so far as I know, which explains why it's largely showing police action at Bank. The real violence got underway much later than 7, which means what you see here are only the initial surges which contained the climate campers in a small space completely surrounded by police in full riot gear. First hand accounts note that between the police started gearing up around 8.30 (an hour after sunset, so fairly dark), but most of the violence took place after 10pm or so.
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