archived layouts

Jan 13, 2009 22:45

I've deleted a bunch of layouts recently due to a few reasons: a) they were ugly; b) they had fucked up coding; or c) said fucked up coding made implementation convoluted and way too difficult. The codes for these layouts are listed here and are free to use under the same rules, but please be aware that I will not be providing support or detailed instructions for them. Click here if you need help finding where to alter a particular setting.

BASIC INSTRUCTIONS: Apply Smooth Sailing. Follow any directions listed for the layout you want. Go to Custom CSS and paste in the stylesheet.
NOTE: The userpics in some of the live previews aren't showing because I didn't upload them to a separate server. Just in case you're wondering.

EASY Installation
Beneath the Tree | live preview
You're a Rocket Queen | live preview

Cherry Blossom | live preview
Sea Glass | live preview
Shorten the menu links. Disable everything in sidebar except Freetext and Links List.

Earthtones | live preview
Disable everything in sidebar except Freetext and Links List.

Rhythmic | live preview
Disable everything in sidebar except Links List.

More to come...!

- archived

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