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konkon_n September 9 2010, 10:10:38 UTC
Hi Lily :) just stopping by to say thanks for liking the header i made. Didn't want to spam watchful's lj so i ended up spamming yours :$ Glad you like it ♥

i added you so that we could know each other more as time goes by. i hope it's ok :) For starters, my name is Tatiana,25, Australian, currently living in Jordan, madly in love with Pi♥


spiralyte September 9 2010, 10:17:04 UTC
Oh hello there. Always nice to meet a fellow Pi fan. ^^

Yeah, your header is totally kickarse. I love it. xD

As for adding me, it's completely fine. I shall add you back. :) And since you shared some info, I'll share some too...

It's currently 6 in the morning here in Miami and I haven't slept. .__.


konkon_n September 9 2010, 11:34:30 UTC
thanks again!
oh it's ok:) i read your sweet introduction and i feel i know already!!! :D

"It's currently 6 in the morning here in Miami and I haven't slept. .__." O_O Go have some sleep, girl XD
here it's 2:30 PM and i feel sleepy! *yawn* Taking a nap won't be a bad idea! Oh i forgot to tell you i'm really VERY LAZY! Now you now all about me LOL


spiralyte September 9 2010, 19:59:47 UTC
Awwww, you read my intro, how happy-making. ^^;

I think you'll be happy to know I slept, haha. I hope you did as well !

Laziness is a common factor in this friendship now. We shall be the YamaLazinators ! xD


konkon_n September 9 2010, 23:39:45 UTC
my little nap turned into a coma!!! XD

LOL @ "YamaLazinators"!!! i'll be using that quite often! i like it ;) i guess Pi is not the only thing we have in common then XDDD


spiralyte September 22 2010, 01:23:03 UTC
I know how THAT is... (Again sorry for the XTREME lateness..)

Feel free to use it! Milk it ! (I wish we could milk Yamapi.. Wouldn't that be something?.. O.o)


konkon_n September 22 2010, 09:15:23 UTC
don't worry about being late replying~ fandomers get busy quite often due to work or study... or both LOL but when they are free they stick to each others flailing about their idols nonstop!!! :D

"I wish we could milk Yamapi.. Wouldn't that be something?" XDDDDD


spiralyte September 24 2010, 01:49:19 UTC
Yes, exactly ! If only I had more time to "stick" that would be so nice.. But usually my free time is spent sleeping due to overload of sexy men.. I mean homework... XDDDD

I think you'd be leading the troops, Tatiana-chan.. x3


konkon_n September 24 2010, 09:43:13 UTC
LOL i'll be leading the troops to break the world record in sleeping!!! (WITH a polar bear and a sloth thrown in there competing for the record!
... )


spiralyte September 24 2010, 20:14:30 UTC
L O L ! Sleep... Sounds fantastic right about now. Thank God for the weekend~ xD

Oh, and just so you know, you'd win. For sure. xDD


konkon_n September 25 2010, 04:53:23 UTC
thanks for your vote of confidence XDDD see, Pi fans are the BEST! I might need you to play the trumpet next to the sloth though XDDD i'm a bit hyper waiting for Pi's new CM~ *humming*

btw you edited your profile~~ I like it!!!
... )


spiralyte September 25 2010, 17:33:47 UTC
Yes, that's her ! (You're not ignorant, Ti-chan. XD) I love her... She's the model for my character, Rima.. <3

Thank you ! I had to mess with it, it was too bland... :D :D :D

Yes, Pi fans saikou ! I dunno 'bout you, but just the making was kiiillliiiing meee...


konkon_n September 26 2010, 11:42:29 UTC
nice work!!! :D i never found Toda Erika beautiful till now XDDD

Rima~ cute name for a character! Where can i read the story?
... )


spiralyte September 28 2010, 00:33:21 UTC
So YOU'RE the reason why my journal keeps telling me there are deleted comments popping up.. I'm going out of my brain thinking "Why are there so many deleted comments?? I didn't delete anything!"

It's 'kay. Don't ever shut up. It amuses me. xD

Erika Toda is totally gorgeous ! I'm glad I've converted you.. I am totally doing my job as a Nippon otaku... ;D

Awww, I always do that and hate it. Stop a story flat and start a new one.. Well, I haven't actually typed it up on my LJ, but I've written parts in a CFG. I can add you to it. I'm actually going to do that for your Pi-story. ;3 (Just don't freak if all of a sudden you see entries that you don't understand. But you'll get the general idea of what's going on in Rima's 'Ryo' period. xDD)

Your emoji's are adorkable and where did you adopt them ! XD

Anyways, hope you're 'kay (and Pitastic, Ti-chan) and taking care. ;D


konkon_n September 28 2010, 03:34:30 UTC
noooo i swear this is the first time i've deleted a comment (well... 2 comments XDD it won't be the same without emoji~ LOL

"Pitastic" fufufu~
i like it!!!

can't wait to read the tatiana x pi fanfic and Rima x ryo too!
... )


konkon_n September 28 2010, 03:37:34 UTC
oops that didn't show up! no deleting for this comment~ LOL

paste your URL in this:

img src="URL"/>

put < in front of "img"

Enjoy! :)


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