the mystic pen that sends me the message.

Nov 19, 2006 05:29


stellar past 48 hours. including, but not limited to:

promotion at work
after much angsting about current spot, and then some "hannah...just be patient" and finally culminating in the meeting with mary (my boss) - i have a new place in the kaplan world. i will get to work with/on the standardization team, which is where all the cool kids are. i will be - get this! - writing articles/communication about the project for publishing on the company intranet site (ROCK ON.) and also creating/maintaining a database to house the massive amounts of data they are working with. this about covers all the things hannahs love most, so that's very nice. plus, a raise. huzzar.

new computer
and my very first laptop. nice. it's a Toshiba Satellite P105-S6104. this is my much-anticipated birthday present from moi et aaron to moi. it is thusfar quite lovely - even handles in WoW better than my desktop (which was 5 years old - replacement overdue).

listening to a bunch of old music. i like how music wraps like a bubble...pulls me out of time and space, just give me the opening notes to that song and suddenly i've moved back in time to footloose hannah days. walking around the streets of muted by underworld's pearls girl twirl, twirl and then shhhh breathe in the impish cheer it's luscious jackson holding me here: indominable, unstoppable. slip quietly into languid, supreme beings of leisure - paving the path to sleepy dynamite and/or i've got that one particular twinkle in my eye which means aaron's in trouble again....mmmmyes. music rocks my world. as the important wasn't till we made music that we came to life.

some days i am a swirl of color. others, an empty canvas. today i am splattered across the universe like a happy sneeze. a-choo!

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