Oh, the nerdity.

Feb 11, 2008 21:54

From the chapters of "You know you're a nerd when...."

Excerpt, Ch 13: When RL conversations about RL things happen between two people in the same room over IM, in WoW terminology.

[21:49] Me: WTB tea and yogurt
[21:49] Me: 20g
[21:49] Me: PST
[21:49] Him: 45g
[21:49] Me: /wrists
[21:49] Me: i only have like...26g on my main right now
[21:50] Me: /emocry
[21:50] Him: WTS tea and yogurt 45G PST
[21:50] Me: /beancry
[21:50] Him: WTS tea and yogurt 45G PST
[21:50] Me: /w Him Hi, I see you have tea and yogurt for sale on the AH for 45g.  If you don't get any other buyers, can I offer you 20g?
[21:51] Him: WTS tea and yogurt 45G PST
[21:51] Me: /w Him Fucking Chinese Farmer
[21:51] Me: /w Him I'm totally reporting you
[21:52] Him: /1 Hail Traveler! Have you come from far way lands in search of adventure only to find you're wallet empty! Have no f3ar. Visit http://g0WoWG0ld.orG for all your MMO gold needs! Instant delivery to your in-game MAilbOX!
[21:52] Me: *This user has ignored you and will not receive any messages from you.  To file a complaint, please contact Blizzard at 800-we-care


Maybe we should seek professional help.  Hehe.



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