July and August (so far) 2012 - All over the place

Aug 16, 2012 20:37

Southsea finished well with an extremely efficient get out, whi8ch always makes things much much easier. Things have only gotten busier since, mind.

After a varied week for Past Pleasures, it was off to Old Sarum with Trouvere for the first of this year's Joust/Tourament events. Quite a nice event and glorious weather, which I was hoping would set the pattern for a lot of similar Joust/Tournaments over the summer but the weather turned out to be an aberration. Seriously, it's been fairly goddamn miserable weather every time I've been anywhere but at home.

Still, there's been some nice places. I'd never been to Battle Abbey before, but it was kind of special to stand on the supposed spot where Harold was slain and watch the moon rise over the ruined abbey. From there it was down to Pendennis Castle in Cornwall for the first time in 21 years. Still an absolutely stunning view, but still a longer than pleasant walk into Falmouth down a steeper than pleasant hill, and still astonishingly changeable weather. Four gigs in Pendennis this summer, interspersed with gigs about as far from Cornwall as it's possible to get without leaving England... From Cornwall to Richmond in North Yorkshire, back to Cornwall, home for a few days (not of rest, mind; three gigs ion four days at Hampton Court Palace), back to Cornwall and now in Dover.

I've been focussed and pacing myself on just getting through this month, but the September rota for Past Pleasures was just released and it looks like I need to find another week and a half of 'go' before I can simply collapse for a week. I'm far enough through the 'wall' now that it's not the extra days of work that I need to worry about, but the sudden stop.

Still loving my work, mind.
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