Holiday and illness

Oct 19, 2010 23:36

So, Castle Holiday 3 was good fun. A week of laziness, great food, wonderful company and the odd expedition to go 'wow' at scenery, all bookended with visits to Fort Trouvere. Excellent indeed, and just what I needed.

What I really _didn't_ need was for a cyst on my back to burst a couple days in, requiring me to attend the local hospital every day thereafter to have the dressing changed. (Fortunately, it was walking distance from the farm house, the nurses were lovely and I was usually in and out in fifteen minutes.) Worse, the antibiotics I was put on played merry hell with my gut, meaning I had stomach cramps and a huge loss of appetite which I'm only just beginning to regain.

Despite still feeling kind of grim, I got on a train to Shropshire on Friday in order to attend Insurrection and had a completely mind-blowing time. Details in a separate post at some point.

Work has tailed off dramatically but I've been very good this year, have planned for it and don't need to find any rent until the beginning of next year. In the meantime, all that time off gives me ample opportunity to clean and repair all the kit that has become worn this year and to make new stuff. Yeah, right...
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