Sep 27, 2009 23:12
Considering the fact that my last entry was about hopes for our vegetable garden that is almost finished now, I guess it has been awhile since I've wrote. I am not sure why I have been quiet on the journaling... I guess life has just gotten busy. And now it has been so long, I feel sort of rusty. For the record, our beans, peas, tomatoes, peppers and catnip all did well... the other stuff not so much. There is a really sad story about how the boy's pumpkins (yes, he decided to grow the biggest baddest pumpkins he could in a container patio garden) all died via rodents and a heatwave, but maybe I'll try and tell it another time.
Most important news first - the boy proposed! And this girl said yes. The proposal was on a sailboat, just before sunset, with a message in the bottle. All very impressive and romantic. :)
We started marriage prep with our priest this weekend. It was different then I thought it would be... the priest asked us 4 questions total (hefty questions, mind you), and we spent the entire time discussing them. With all the wedding planning we've been doing, it is nice to occasionally focus on the stuff that will come after it.... like, for the rest of our lives.
In other news, I passed my Advancement to Candidacy exam a few months back - and have become the poster child for slacker since. The exam basically consisted of my thesis committee grilling me for almost 3 hours on various aspects of my proposed thesis project. If my adviser wasn't a psychiatrist who could (and did) prescribe me a pretty awesome, err, effective anti-anxiety medication beforehand, I am pretty sure I would have broken down (complete with wailing and gnashing of teeth) and fled at some point. But to tell the truth, I think something about the process seemed excessively cruel to me (3 hours!), and it has been difficult to motivate myself ever since.
I am writing my first first author paper right now, you'd think that would be exciting... but right now it just sort of feels like work. I guess I shouldn't complain... having work that usually doesn't feel like work is a good thing. And every job has it's occasional lows, right?
OK, I need to go pick up a friend from the airport. Hopefully it wont be another 8 months until I write again! :)