- Happy solstice! ::waits for midwinter sun to renew:: And today's photos postulate the following questions.... (1) Robin or penguin? (2) How can a plastic sheep look so much like Tom Baker playing the fourth Doctor?
- A Doctor Who themed pocket watch (cheap Chinese knock-off) had this warning in the product description: "If your surrounding environment has a magnetic field, it will effect time." ::adds to wishlist::
- Yesterday, I heard I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day, by Wizzard, and I now feel officially seasonal. :-D BEST CHRISTMAS SONG EVER!!1!! /sorry Slade fans
- Reading, books 2016, 216
210. Something Light, by Margery Sharp, 1960, very lightweight and possibly the closest to a conventional romance novel that Ms Sharp wrote. The heroine is a career woman in her thirties who suddenly decides she wants to get married to a rich man and have a family. Nonetheless this isn't typical chicklit for either 1960 or 2016. The ending is rushed, despite having been set up and seen oncoming for most of the novel, and very much a tacked-on trope but I can forgive that in exchange for the amusing insight into human nature contained in the three main storylines. (3.5/5)
• On a block of bachelor flats: [...] upon the walls, instead of horns and skulls, hung steel engravings - but each commemorating some disaster to British arms. (The Charge of the Light Brigade, the Loss of the Royal George, the Retreat from Corunna.) Louisa passed appreciatively between them, identified the door she sought, and used the Death of Nelson as a mirror to powder her nose.
211. [redacted], 1980s, poetry written for performance, not the page, and doesn't work at all out of its original contexts. (ARGH/5 but I note the author was a Poet Laureate in her home country 16 years later)
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