- Evil from beyond the grave!!1!!
- Peter Knight's band Gigspanner, who play English and world folk have put a couple of lovely pieces on utu, including:
English folk song The Week Before Easter, 5min, and
Cajun style fiddlesticks in Louisiana Flack, 3min.
- Reading, books 2016, 40.
38. Festival of Death, by Jonathan Morris, is an original Doctor Who novel starring the fourth Doctor and the second Romana and K-9. I've never been a fan of K-9 but Mr Morris uses his potential well. (4/5, although there were a few moments when I felt as if I was reading the author's barely fleshed-out timey-wimey plot flow charts)
• On Paddox the "mad" scientist (warning for disablism): His quivering lips curled into the gloating smile of the insane. [What, all of "the insane" including the majority who're suffering from some type of depression or anxiety, and not merely the criminally insane with sadistic tendencies? See how adding the word "criminally" made a lot of difference to the meaning... and to the ordinary people being stereotyped as evil?]
• On Hoopy, a frood (obv): There was no sign of the zombies, but he had a feeling they would turn up when least expected - so he tried to keep his expectation of them appearing as high as possible. [Lol!]
• I was amused by the similarity between the face of the Fourth Doctor Funko Pop doll, with its circular eyes and triangular nose, and the book cover with a stylised skull superimposed on Tom Baker's face:
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