In which there are women who are beautiful on the inside, and on the outside, and poetry in motion

Jan 20, 2016 11:20

- In memory of skywardprodigal and delux_vivens: two photos of South African actress Terry Pheto.

- Georgette Heyer fanfic au: is there any Heyer fanfic in which the wealthy orphaned heroine, seeking adventure as a costumed crime-fighting vigilante, decides to hang around on rooftops declaring, "My parents are dead!", in company with a chaperon/sidekick called Bobbin? No? Boo. ::sulks:: /fandom never gives me nice things //and yet Rule 34 insists that porn of this au already exists

- Reading, books 2016, 10.

9. The Breakfast Room, by Stewart Conn, poetry. Uninspired. (2/5)

Stewart Conn does have a variety of very readable poems on the Scottish Poetry Library website though:

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africana, fiction, 100% pure crack, poetry, literature, so british it hurts, book reviews

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