In which there are bank notes, a daring heist, and gloating

Jul 10, 2015 11:19

- This Jersey £1 note, 1976, looks familiar, y/y?

- Evil library book thieving: erm, so... yesterday I picked a couple of maps off the shelf, and checked them out myself via the library-interfacey-machine-thing (fear my grasp of technical terms!!1!!), and put them in my bag, and went home... where I discovered that one of them was from the reference section and had been re-shelved in the wrong place and apparently the automated check-out system let me borrow it, and gave me a proper paper receipt, and didn't beep when I left the library through the electronic-anti-theft-gate-thing. And, yes, I've checked the online catalogue and it's definitely a reference copy and not for borrowing (because it's the only copy). So when I return it to the library I'm going to be appallingly embarrassed (at minimum) even though I didn't actually do anything wrong, bah. (Also strangely apropos because Shada, the last book I read, is all about book-thieving, especially from a library, heh.)

- Cold Comfort Farm nano-fanfic:
"Do women have souls?"
"I have many souls, Mr Mybug, all of which I've stolen from men who ask me annoying questions. I keep them in a jar by my bedside and gloat over them night and morning. You were saying?"

- What are you doing, thinking, wondering about, reading, watching, making, or writing, that you don't usually post about?

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cold comfort farm, fiction, black history: british, art, black history: 1900s, being full of wrongness, black history: 1700s, literature, history, so british it hurts, hattitude

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