- That thing what happened: I’m ignoring the general election because it turned out much as I thought it would, i.e more of the same with exponential deterioration (I underestimated the Tory swing by a handful of seats but predicted their return to government and the LibDem 5 year plan oblivion). Ironic congratulations to all those Scots who voted SNP after failing to vote for independence and commiserations to all the other Scots they shat on. One point about real true reality: about 1 in 4 Brits voted Tory (and, yes, that's 1 in 4 of the electorate not merely a proportion of those who actually voted). Bearing in mind that the Tories don't exist in Northern Ireland and might as well not exist in Scotland, that means the English and the Welsh were voting Tory at a much higher rate than 1 in 4. The English will get the government that at least a quarter of us (plus the UKIPpers) deserve. Prediction: at some point in the next five years I’ll be fauxrrested by the police and dragged off to a police station and held at least overnight for a made-up non-crime relating to disability advocacy.
- I turned on one of our national pop music stations this morning and heard
Eve of Destruction by Barry McGuire (4mins). "Eat your next door neighbour but don’t forget to say grace." How very apropos. ;-)
- Better living through chemistry: I broke out the opiates from my drug stash and decided to re-read the codeine leaflet before taking some. "4. POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS [… rhubarb rhubarb… ] - feeling extremely happy for no apparent reason […]". BEST SIDE EFFECT EVAH!!1!!
- My To Do list for 2015 now includes crazy golf. That is all (unless you’re in a position to recommend me fabulous crazy golf courses in the general vicinity of the West Midlands).
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