In which there are pink unicorns, dead pianos, 1930s house parties, and pride

Oct 03, 2014 12:39

- Watching, cuddly pink unicorns. I found a very obviously abandoned plush pink unicorn (a "ty beanie boos" apparently) by the roadside and took it home. It didn’t need mending and so isn’t eligible to join my happy band of Igors but, even after washing, it’s too far gone for a charity shop or other toy donation so I don’t know what to do with it. I don’t want to keep it because it has one of the most EVIL facial expressions I’ve ever seen on a supposedly cuddly toy. I’d cap it to show you but I’m scared it might possess my camera or petrify some innocent passer-by at flickr. Would any of you like me to send you a scarily staring, slightly the worse for wear, fluffy pink unicorn of EVIL? No? Didn’t think so.

- Not that my life is full of random horror movie imagery! "I have gathered you here today to reveal the murderer of this piano!!1!!" Note: it was Andy Ingamells, obv

- Reading, books 2014, 103.

103. Pomfret Towers, by Angela Thirkell: one of the better stories from Thirkell’s recycled Barsetshire (although I personally probably prefer The Brandons). Chapter two makes me laugh and laugh and is as funny as anything Wodehouse ever wrote imo, although Thirkell doesn’t do one-liners so it’s difficult to quote amusing passages out of context: "The furniture was in the highest style of Pre-Raphaelite discomfort: sofas apparently hewn from solid blocks of wood and armchairs suited to no known human frame, both with thin velvet cushions of extreme hardness." Lol. If you enjoy awkward comedy romances, about posh English people, set in the 1930s then I recommend this to you.

- Watching: Pride (2014) is a great film in the Full Monty / Brassed Off school (but better) and deserves its current 92% / 94% positive rating at rottentomatoes but it’d be nice if a mainstream film supposedly about demonstrating solidarity with marginalised people, in this case homosexual men and striking miners, didn’t pander to gay and mainstream anti-lesbian misogyny (women are depicted as only acceptable if they’re attached to one or more men). Potential US viewers might have more opportunities to see this movie in cinemas after 10 October.

- So, what are you doing, thinking, wondering about, reading, watching, making, or writing, that you don't usually post about?

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