The following is a basic list, in no particular order, of Islamophobic arsehaberdashery which will as-close-to-automatically-as-it's-possible-to-get remove you from my inner
List of People Whose Inane Chatter I Will Barely Tolerate (O HAI, MI BBs!!1!!) and add you to the more general list of people who I will merely cut*:
1. Blah blah Islamophobia blah blah
2. Blah blah racist Islamophobia blah blah
3. Blah blah women can't be allowed to make their own clothing choices blah blah
4. Blah blah loyalty test to the west/western-centric/white-supremacist values for anyone who mentions Islam blah blah (this one happened to me today, OH JOY!!)
5. Blah blah a few threatened white westerners > many dead brown Muslims blah blah
6. Blah blah Those Muslims Over There aka what western Muslims murdered in western countries by western Islamophobes/racists ?! blah blah
7. Blah blah the claim that critique from people who have a reasonable claim to have some degree of "insider" perspective on an aspect of Islam, such as Salman Rushdie (whatever one may think of him), is the same as Islamophobia (based in hundreds of years of institutionalised racism and colonialism) imposed as a form of cultural Imperialism by "outsiders", especially outsiders with a previous history of Islamophobia (and racism and right-wing hate-mongering), such as many of the now infamous Muhammad-drawing cartoonists and their publishers blah blah
8. Blah blah Islamophobia/racism/colonialism doesn't/didn't happen in my super speshul western country blah blah
9. Blah blah all the other equally tedious and wrong, knee-jerk hate-speech and Islamophobia barely disguised as reality-based discussion blah blah
Why, yes, unfortunately this was prompted by the recent dramatic upsurge in Islamophobia in my dw vicinity.
And some anon troll too stupid to have worked out that their comment will never be unscreened comments with a version of 4. in 3... 2... 1....
* "To Cut: (Cambridge.) To renounce acquaintance with any one is to cut him. There are several species of the cut. Such as the cut direct, the cut indirect, the cut sublime, the cut infernal, &c. The cut direct, is to start across the street, at the approach of the obnoxious person in order to avoid him. The cut indirect, is to look another way, and pass without appearing to observe him. The cut sublime, is to admire the top of King’s College Chapel, or the beauty of the passing clouds, till he is out of sight. The cut infernal, is to analyze the arrangement of your shoe-strings, for the same purpose." - The 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, by Francis Grose
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