I feel like reccing fanfic. A couple of weeks ago one of my favorite comms,
epic_recs was accepting new reccers, asking for their favorite story. I definitely don't have the energy to become a full time reccer ( if I did I wouldn't need to read epic) but I do want to rec some of the favorites that I didn't find through
There are certain stories that are catalysts for something amazing. The individual stories themselves may not be perfect, too tantalizingly short or mildly out of character; but there is a core that intrigues others and begins a kind of alchemic reaction in writers. Here are a few:
Title:The Contract
diysheepRating: Hard R
Fandom: House, M.D.
Pairing: Gen
Category: Dark, with a side of hurt/comfort
Length: Long (~42,000 words)
This is House/Wilson friendship fic, like many House fics this story is heavy and angsty, but the ending and epilogue have some of the most touching fluff I’ve ever read. There’s not alot of backstory or intro to this you kind of just dive in, so not a good fic if you have no familiarity with the canon. The depth of caring and devotion between Wilson and House is so remarkable in this story.
The Contract Reservoir:
Contractversespawned numerous fics, a trailer, a quiz and (my favorite) a plushie
Mr.Vicodin Title:Lace and Strawberries
askerianRating: NC-17
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Naruto/Sasuke
Category: Crossdressing, Kink (warning: dubious consent)
Length: Medium (~6,000 words)
A sexy crossdrssing oneshot that struck a chord with a lot of authors. This story is at times amusing, hot, suspenseful and frightening. An especial favorite of mine because of the Gothic Lolita element.
Lace and Strawberries (fan oneshots also hosted here) However the reason I really love this fic is because it inspired this:
Title: Tangled up in Lace
crazy-toffeeRating: NC-17
I love love love love love this story . It combines the intense and conflicted relationship between Sasuke and Naruto with epic ninja espionage. I love the emotions, the relationships, the politics, everything, and the way she illuminates coming full circle is masterful.
Tangled up in Lace Title:Thy Outward Part
Author: Richard Lawson
Rating: Mostly PG- PG 13, but Technical Virginity and Those Tears are Pearl would be considered R
Fandom: Ranma 1/2
Pairing: Ranma/OC
Category: Angst, Romance
Length: Epic
This is one of my earliest favorites. Ranma 1/2 and Fruitsbasket were my first fandoms so this definitely has a strong nostaglia element for me. It’s rare that I read original characters that I like and it’s very rare that I can rec A fic where and original character has such a large role. However I like Kentaro because there are so many little things to hate about him, he’s a nearly perfect pre-med student but he’s a loser and kind of a stalker and pretty persistent and pushy, but he’s sensitive and quick to apologise and that is really redeeming. He’s very much a real guy which kind of makes you understand why Ranma would be drawn to and repelled by him. It’s really a story about Ranma, and what happens when the tranformation isn’t a joke anymore.
This thing is huge:
Thy Outward Part Building Bridges (download only)
Time Never Did Assuage With Thy Brave Bearing The Nature of Love Sebastian Weinberg's
Technical Virginity (download only) Half a Kiss Those Tears are Pearl (download only) Painted Smile (download only)Lara Bartram
Gimme a BreakSerendipity (download only)
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing: Ed/Al
Category: Angst, Romance, Incest
Length: Epic
Epistolary fic. Ok this is definitely story that is not to everyone’s taste, I guess you would call it grandkidfic with incest. Unless you have seen the series it is hard to understand how the relationship between the Elric brothers is so completely outside the norm of regular sibling interaction. This tells the story of two synchronous relationships separated by a generation. It’s basically a canon AU because it’s based off one of the OAV’s of the series. The characters are original characters but designed as reincarnations of characters of the original series, therefore the most complex characters are the original characters that are the gap generation between the brothers; and the history of the canon characters in this canon AU. This is definitely another fic that will be confusing if you haven’t seen the series, but still enjoyable.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 part 1 Chapter 7 part 2 Chapter 8 part 1 Chapter 8 part 2 Chapter 9 part 1 Chapter 9 part 2 Chapter 10 Epilogue fmaxskeletons The author herself has produced plenty of extras, art and soundtracks, even recorded her own lyrics to Bratja. There is also a great deal of fan fan art and fiction for the story in the community
Well that's it for now folks.