Jun 08, 2004 19:37
The who? Everyone has there own world. Everyone just as caught up with everything as we are. Everyone has things just like us. Everyone lives in there own world because the one we lived in together was too boring. We broke free, we woke up. Or did we? Are we just victims of our thought processes. Are we really the ones in the prison. The ones that are trapped inside of there own heads because they feel the need to be special and have meaning. More likely we are all trapped in conciousness, one of us just knows it and the other doesnt. Whats it matter if there are bars on your cage if you cant see them. Not much, if you dont know they are there. I am just one person, and there is so much here. Everyone with there own convictions and purposes and loves, who am I in the sea of the world but another story. It hurts to think of the whole world. Every single person a temple to worship. Every single person there own god.